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Analyzing the shoreline dynamicity and associated socio-ecological risk along southern Odisha coast, India, using remote sensing and statistics
Geocarto International ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-05 , DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2021.1882005
Manoranjan Mishra 1 , Tamoghna Acharyya 2 , Pritam Chand 3 , Celso Augusto Guimarães Santos 4 , Dipika Kar 1 , Prabhu Prasad Das 5 , Namita Pattnaik 6 , Richarde Marques da Silva 7 , Thiago Victor Medeiros do Nascimento 4


The coastal zone is an extremely volatile environment and is constantly changing. We assessed short- and long-term shoreline changes in the Ganjam district of Odisha on the eastern coast of India from 1990 − 2019 using Landsat satellite imagery and the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) tool in the Geographic Information System. In addition, we have also projected the likely future coastline position for the 2030 − 2040 period and the possible impact on the socioecology of the shoreline. In this study, we used the endpoint rate (EPR) analysis, weighted linear regression (WLR) analysis, and trigonometric functions to analyze the shoreline from 1990 − 2019 and 2030 − 2040. The shoreline of the Ganjam coastal zone is one of the most biologically productive ecosystems in the world, and it is well-known due to the breeding and mass nesting grounds of olive ridley turtles and the economically connected ports, famous beaches, and cyclone-prone areas. During the study period (1990-2019), the average erosion and accretion rates in the Ganjam shoreline were −2.58 m a−1 and 11.63 m a−1, respectively. The rate of shoreline erosion increased during years of cyclone landfall, which was revealed during the short-term shoreline analysis of the periods from 1995 − 2000 (1999 super cyclone) and 2015 − 2019 (2019 category – IV cyclone Fani). The short- to long-term analysis of the shoreline assisted in identifying erosion (Ramyapatna, Podampetta) and accretion (Gopalpur port, spits along the Bahuda and Rushikulya Rivers) hotspots within the Ganjam coastal zone. The identified erosion hotspots could cause a significant number of coastal villages that serve as breeding and mass nesting grounds for olive ridley turtles to become submerged. The dominant erosion patterns along the Ganjam coastline are likely to enhance socioecological risk and further threaten coastal communities in the future. The output of the undertaken research will benefit coastal planners, policymakers, and conservationists by helping them to formulate the most suitable action plan for coastal zone management with consideration of all stakeholders.




沿海地区是一个非常动荡的环境,并且在不断变化。我们使用Landsat卫星图像和地理信息系统中的数字海岸线分析系统(DSAS)工具评估了1990-2019年印度东部沿海奥里萨邦Ganjam区的短期和长期海岸线变化。此外,我们还预测了2030年至2040年期间未来海岸线的位置以及对海岸线的社会生态的可能影响。在这项研究中,我们使用了端点速率(EPR)分析,加权线性回归(WLR)分析和三角函数来分析1990年至2019年和2030年至2040年的海岸线。甘贾姆海岸带的海岸线是最世界上具有生物生产力的生态系统,由于橄榄色瑞德利海龟的繁殖和大规模筑巢地以及经济相连的港口,著名的海滩和容易遭受飓风袭击的地区而闻名。在研究期间(1990-2019年),Ganjam海岸线的平均侵蚀和增生速率为−2.58 ma-1和11.63 ma -1, 分别。在1995-2000年(1999年超级旋风)和2015-2019年(2019年类别– IV气旋Fani)的短期海岸线分析中显示,在气旋登陆年份中,海岸线侵蚀率增加。海岸线的短期至长期分析有助于确定Ganjam沿海地区的侵蚀(Ramyapatna,Podampetta)和积聚(Gopalpur港口,沿Bahuda和Rushikulya河的吐痰)热点。确定的侵蚀热点可能会导致大量沿海村庄沦为橄榄色ridley龟的繁殖地和大规模筑巢地。Ganjam海岸线上主要的侵蚀模式可能会增加社会生态风险,并在未来进一步威胁沿海社区。
