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Microsatellite DNA analysis of overwintering bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) and its implications for harvest regulation and habitat management
Fisheries Management and Ecology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-08 , DOI: 10.1111/fme.12473
Eric B. Taylor 1 , Rachel Chudnow 2 , Ray Pillipow 3 , Ian Spendlow 3 , Brett Poorten 2, 4, 5

A mixed‐stock fishery occurs when multiple populations of a fish species are exploited together in a common area where they aggregate outside the breeding season (e.g. for feeding or overwintering), and the aggregation is known as a mixture. Recreational fishing often exploits such mixtures, and estimating the proportional contributions of populations to fisheries promotes more sustainable resource use. Ten DNA microsatellites were assayed in a mixture of bull trout Salvelinus confluentus Suckley overwintering in the Nechako River, upper Fraser River, British Columbia, and in baseline population samples from 14 tributaries putatively contributing to the overwintering mixture. A DNA microsatellite‐based mixed‐stock fishery analysis suggested that five populations together contributed 0.80 to the mixture. Most of the errors associated with the mixture estimates were attributable to uncertainty in baseline allele frequencies. Radiotracking data confirmed that tributary populations contributing to the mixture estimated by genetic analysis also contained individuals that moved between spawning tributaries and overwintering sites. The results better resolve habitat use by potadromous bull trout in the upper Fraser River and, in combination with assessments of baseline population‐specific spawning abundances and productivity, will better inform a decision of whether or not allowing some harvest within the current catch‐and‐release fishery is biologically sustainable.


越冬鳟(Salvelinus confluentus)的微卫星DNA分析及其对收获调节和生境管理的意义

当在共同区域聚集多个鱼类种群时,就会出现混合种群渔业,这些种群在繁殖季节之外聚集(例如,供食或越冬),这种聚集被称为混合。娱乐性捕捞经常利用这种混合物,估计人口对渔业的比例贡献促进了更可持续的资源利用。在牛鳟Salvelinus confluentus的混合物中测定了10个DNA微卫星Suckley在不列颠哥伦比亚省的弗雷泽河上游的Nechako河中过冬,并从14个支流的基准人群样本中推定了越冬混合物。基于DNA微卫星的混合种群渔业分析表明,五个种群加在一起为混合种群贡献了0.80。与混合物估计值相关的大多数错误可归因于基线等位基因频率的不确定性。无线电跟踪数据证实,通过遗传分析估算出的支流人口中,支流人口中也有在产卵支流和越冬地点之间移动的个体。该结果更好地解决了弗雷泽河上游的斑驳鳟鱼对栖息地的使用,并结合了基线特定种群产卵量和生产力的评估,