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Alignment of ordinal and quantitative species abundance and size indices for the detection of shifting baseline syndrome
Ecological Applications ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-09 , DOI: 10.1002/eap.2301
Phil O'B Lyver 1 , Puke Timoti 2 , Sarah J Richardson 1 , Andrew M Gormley 1

Loss of knowledge about historical environmental conditions and species’ abundances threatens how new generations potentially perceive their environment and take action. The intergenerational shift in perceptions of environmental thresholds is a phenomenon frequently termed shifting baseline syndrome (SBS). The goals of this study were (1) to determine relationships between ordinal scores (e.g., few, many) and quantitative measures (e.g., estimates of population size) used by members of a Māori community in New Zealand to score indicators for understanding the abundance of forest resources, and (2) to then analyze these relationships according to people’s age to detect the effects of SBS and the rate that this shift was occurring for each indicator. We detected consistent relationships between the ordinal scores and quantitative measures for six forest indicators provided by community members. However, there was only a high degree of confidence about the direction of the age effect for three abundance indicators (Kererū [New Zealand Pigeon], Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae, 15% increase [CI = 5.1–27.1%] in flock size for any given ordinal category for each decade increase in age; long-finned eel, Anguilla dieffenbachia, 30% decrease [CI = −45.1% to −11.3%] in the distance (m) walked along a riverbank between observations of an eel for any given ordinal category for each decade increase in age; and Australian brush-tailed possum, Trichosurus vulpecula, 27% decrease [CI = −38.9% to −13.9%] in the distance (m) walked through forest between observations of possum sign for any given ordinal category for each decade increase in age), but the effect was statistically strong for all three. The decoupling of indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLC) from their traditional lands and biodiversity by an array of political, environmental, social and economic drivers and feedback mechanisms have contributed to and exacerbated the conditions for SBS. However, the protection of customary practices to engage with the environment, including the harvest of natural resources, community-based environmental monitoring initiatives, and cultural immersion education programs offer opportunities for IPLC to mitigate the often deleterious effects of SBS.



失去关于历史环境条件和物种丰富度的知识威胁着新一代人如何看待他们的环境并采取行动。对环境阈值认知的代际转变是一种经常被称为基线转移综合症的现象(SBS)。本研究的目标是 (1) 确定新西兰毛利社区成员使用的顺序分数(例如,很少、很多)和定量测量(例如,人口规模的估计)之间的关系,以对指标进行评分以了解丰度森林资源,以及 (2) 然后根据人们的年龄分析这些关系,以检测 SBS 的影响以及每个指标发生这种转变的速度。我们检测到社区成员提供的六个森林指标的顺序分数和定量测量之间的一致关系。然而,对于三个丰度指标(Kererū [新西兰鸽子]、Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae)的年龄效应方向只有高度的置信度, 对于任何给定的序数类别,鸡龄每增加 10 年,鸡群规模增加 15% [CI = 5.1–27.1%];长鳍鳗, Anguilla dieffenbachia , 沿河岸行走的距离 (m) 减少 30% [CI = -45.1% 至 -11.3%] 对于任何给定序数类别的鳗鱼,年龄每增加 10 年;和澳大利亚刷尾负鼠Trichosurus vulpecula, 27% 减少 [CI = -38.9% 到 -13.9%] 在负鼠标志观察之间的距离 (m) 中,对于任何给定的序数类别,年龄每增加 10 年),但这种影响对所有三。一系列政治、环境、社会和经济驱动因素和反馈机制使土著人民和地方社区 (IPLC) 与其传统土地和生物多样性脱钩,这促成并加剧了 SBS 的状况。然而,保护与环境接触的习惯做法,包括收获自然资源、基于社区的环境监测举措和文化浸入式教育计划,为 IPLC 提供了减轻 SBS 通常有害影响的机会。