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Behavioral and physiological responses to instability in group membership in wild male woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii)
American Journal of Primatology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-08 , DOI: 10.1002/ajp.23240
Evelyn L Pain 1 , Andreas Koenig 1, 2 , Anthony Di Fiore 3, 4 , Amy Lu 1, 2

In group‐living species, integrating into a new social group after dispersal is an important life history milestone associated with physical and social challenges. Generally, this process seems to be accompanied by heightened glucocorticoid (GC) concentrations; however, most studies of physiological responses to group transfer have been conducted on species with despotic social relationships, where integrating individuals are often targets of frequent aggression. Here we present data on fecal glucocorticoid (fGC) concentrations during periods of unstable group membership for male woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii), a species with extremely low rates of male–male aggression and generally tolerant male–male associations. We collected data on males in four study groups at the Tiputini Biodiversity Station, Ecuador, and observed three attempted transfer events, involving a total of four adult males, in one study group. We observed only three instances of overt aggression (chases) between males across the entire study period, though male display behaviors were more frequent. We tested whether rates of displays were higher during periods of unstable group membership using a generalized linear mixed model (LMM). We also examined whether male status, group stability, and the occurrence of intergroup encounters affected fGC concentrations using LMMs. Contrary to our predictions, rates of display behaviors were not higher during periods of unstable group membership. However, both transient/integrating males and those who were already group members showed elevated fGC concentrations during these unstable periods. Our results suggest that even in species with tolerant male–male relationships, the integration of unfamiliar individuals can provoke an increase in GCs.


对野生雄性长毛猴(Lagothrix lagotrica poepppigii)群体成员不稳定的行为和生理反应

在群居物种中,分散后融入新的社会群体是与生理和社会挑战相关的重要生命史里程碑。一般来说,这个过程似乎伴随着糖皮质激素 (GC) 浓度的升高;然而,大多数对群体转移的生理反应的研究都是针对具有专制社会关系的物种进行的,在这些物种中,整合个体往往是频繁攻击的目标。在这里,我们提供了雄性毛猴(Lagothrix lagotrica poepppigii)在不稳定群体成员期间粪便糖皮质激素(fGC)浓度的数据),一种具有极低雄性攻击性和普遍宽容的雄性关联的物种。我们在厄瓜多尔的蒂普蒂尼生物多样性站收集了四个研究组中雄性的数据,并在一个研究组中观察了三个企图转移事件,总共涉及四名成年雄性。在整个研究期间,我们只观察到了三个雄性之间明显的攻击(追逐)实例,尽管雄性的表现行为更为频繁。我们使用广义线性混合模型 (LMM) 测试了在不稳定的组成员身份期间显示率是否更高。我们还使用 LMM 检查了男性状态、群体稳定性和群体间相遇的发生是否影响了 fGC 浓度。与我们的预测相反,在不稳定的群体成员期间,展示行为的比率并没有更高。然而,在这些不稳定时期,瞬态/整合雄性和已经是组成员的雄性都表现出升高的 fGC 浓度。我们的结果表明,即使在具有宽容雄性关系的物种中,陌生个体的融合也会引起 GC 的增加。