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Managing wetlands to solve the water crisis in the Katuma River ecosystem, Tanzania
Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecohyd.2021.02.001
Manase Elisa , Emilian Kihwele , Eric Wolanski , Charon Birkett

The formerly perennial Katuma River in western Tanzania starts in a protected forest, it then flows through irrigated rice farms before reaching Lake Katavi, a floodplain wetland whose outflow regulates the river flow through the Katavi National Park (KNP) down to its outlet at Lake Rukwa, which has no outlet. In recent years, due to overexploitation of water for irrigation, the Katuma River dried out for up to four months per year and this greatly degraded the KNP ecosystem, the siltation of river lead to flooding of the adjacent areas during heavy rains, and the water level of Lake Rukwa has decreased by 4 m since 1992 while its fishery yield and water quality also deteriorated. In 2016, a total of 46 illegal weirs were removed from the Katuma River upstream of KNP. Following that, the river zero-flow periods were reduced by two months and Lake Rukwa water level rose by 1 m. We suggest that the construction of a low V-notch weir at the outlet of the Lake Katavi wetlands would further reduce the Katuma River zero-flow periods by an additional month, thus returning the river nearly to its former perennial status. The enforcement of regulations governing the construction of irrigation weirs is essential. These ecohydrology solutions do not eliminate the threats, but they amplify the opportunities for sustainable development at the basin scale. This example of active governance of water resources at the basin scale can be applied throughout Tanzania and in semi-arid East Africa in general.



坦桑尼亚西部原为多年生的卡图马河(Katuma River)始于受保护的森林,然后流经灌溉的稻田,然后到达洪泛区湿地卡塔维湖(Katavi Lake),洪泛区的流出调节了流经卡塔维国家公园(KNP)的河流,直至其在Rukwa湖的出水口,没有插座。近年来,由于灌溉用水的过度开采,卡图马河每年干dried长达四个月,这极大地破坏了KNP生态系统,河水的淤积导致暴雨期间邻近地区洪水泛滥,水自1992年以来,Rukwa湖水位下降了4 m,同时渔业产量和水质也恶化了。2016年,共从KNP上游的卡图马河上拆除了46个非法堰。跟随那个,河流的零流量时间减少了两个月,Rukwa湖的水位上升了1 m。我们建议,在卡塔维湖湿地出口处建造一个低V型槽堰,将使卡图马河的零流量时期进一步减少一个月,从而使该河几乎恢复到以前的多年生状态。强制执行有关灌溉堰建设的法规至关重要。这些生态水文学解决方案并不能消除威胁,但会扩大流域范围内可持续发展的机会。在整个坦桑尼亚和整个半干旱的东非,都可以采用流域规模的水资源积极治理的例子。我们建议,在卡塔维湖湿地出口处建造一个低V型槽堰,将使卡图马河的零流量时期进一步减少一个月,从而使该河几乎恢复到以前的多年生状态。强制执行有关灌溉堰建设的法规至关重要。这些生态水文学解决方案并不能消除威胁,但会扩大流域范围内可持续发展的机会。在整个坦桑尼亚和整个半干旱的东非,都可以采用流域规模的水资源积极治理的例子。我们建议,在卡塔维湖湿地出口处建造一个低V型槽堰,将使卡图马河的零流量时期进一步减少一个月,从而使该河几乎恢复到以前的多年生状态。强制执行有关灌溉堰建设的法规至关重要。这些生态水文学解决方案并不能消除威胁,但会扩大流域范围内可持续发展的机会。在整个坦桑尼亚和整个半干旱的东非,都可以采用流域规模的水资源积极治理的例子。这些生态水文学解决方案并不能消除威胁,但会扩大流域范围内可持续发展的机会。在整个坦桑尼亚和整个半干旱的东非,都可以采用流域规模的水资源积极治理的例子。这些生态水文学解决方案并不能消除威胁,但会扩大流域范围内可持续发展的机会。在整个坦桑尼亚和整个半干旱的东非,都可以采用流域规模的水资源积极治理的例子。
