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Plant communities associated with a species at risk: Omus audouini (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) in upper salt marsh habitat at Boundary Bay, British Columbia
Journal of Insect Conservation ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s10841-020-00291-7
Robert McGregor


Omus audouini Reiche (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) is a night-stalking tiger beetle species of conservation concern in Canada with only limited distribution in southwestern British Columbia. Occurrence and plant community associations of O. audouini were quantified at one upper salt marsh site in 2018 at three distances from a flood-protection dike. Omus audouini was strongly associated with plant communities 15 m from the dike that were dominated by Douglas aster, Symphyotrichum subspicatum (Nees) G.L. Nesom (Asteraceae). Plant communities transitioned from a diverse assemblage near the dyke to a Douglas aster dominated estuarine meadow at 15 m and then to a halophyte dominated estuarine marsh at 30 m from the dike. In 2019, O. audouini and plants were sampled at four salt marsh sites. Locations where O. audouini was present were correlated with the presence of S. subspicatum. Indicator species analysis showed that S. subspicatum is a statistically significant indicator of the presence of O. audouini. The results are discussed as they relate to conservation of O. audouini in British Columbia.

Implications for insect conservation

The indicator plant species will be essential in locating previously unknown populations of O. audouini and mapping potential habitat for this species at risk.




Omus audouini Reiche(Coleoptera:Cicindelidae)是在加拿大受到保护的夜潜虎甲虫物种,在不列颠哥伦比亚省西南部仅分布有限。2018年,在距防洪堤三处的一个高盐沼站点上,对金杜鹃的发生和植物群落的关联进行了量化。Omus audouini与距离堤防15 m的植物群落密切相关,其中以道格拉斯翠菊,Symphyotrichum subspicatum(Nees)GL Nesom(菊科)为主。植物群落从堤附近的多样化组合过渡到15 m处以Douglas aster为主的河口草甸,然后在30 m处过渡至以盐生植物为主的河口沼泽。在2019年在四个盐沼站点采样了欧杜鹃和植物。位置,其中O. audouini存在与存在下相关S. subspicatum。指标种类分析表明,亚链球菌(S. subspicatum)是一个统计学上显着的指示欧氏葡萄球菌的指标。讨论了结果,因为它们与不列颠哥伦比亚省的O. audouini保护有关。


