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Managing Media Firms and Industries: What’s So Special About Media Management? Edited by Gregory Ferrell Lowe and Charles Brown
International Journal on Media Management ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-05 , DOI: 10.1080/14241277.2017.1333756
Martin J. Riedl 1

This rich volume, edited and compiled by two former presidents of the European Media Management Association (EMMA)—Gregory F. Lowe, professor of media management at the University of Tampere in Finland, and Charles Brown, principal lecturer at the University of Westminster’s media management program—is an act of self-declaration. Brown and Lowe set out to contribute to the fermentation of the field—and start with a sobering analysis: Lowe writes that we cannot yet speak of a discipline, “because there are no characteristic theories or cohesiveness in a shared body of knowledge already proven to be both distinctive and important” (p. 12). Lowe and Brown host an exquisite selection of contributions, mainly by European and U.S.-based scholars, with the shared goal to help establish the discipline, by explicitly discussing the academic field itself and its premier venues, but also—quite extensively—by highlighting contemporary topics in media management research. The book is structured into four parts, each of which carries four chapters. The first section on scholarship and distinction assesses the status of the field. An overview study by Leona Achtenhagen and Bozena Mierzejewska, for example, compares different performance metrics of scholarly media business journals as a means to assess the maturity of the field. They conclude that too little theorizing has been done just yet. Another interesting contribution in this section is Brown’s elaboration of the usefulness of critical management studies for media management. He asks the relevant question of what it is that media management seeks to achieve in the first place. The book’s second section provides an overview about media governance in European settings. It investigates the questions of independence in public service media, of corporate social responsibility in the media, and, in Justin Schlosberg’s article, provides a plea for consideration of political economy perspectives in media management to analyze the crisis of institutional journalism—“structural decline and the funding crisis” (p. 167). Christian Nissen’s account and model of government influence in public service media is particularly insightful. As a former director general of the Danish public service broadcaster DR (Danish Broadcasting Corporation), Nissen concludes that the only sustainable solution to defend public service media against government influence is governments “being conceived accountable by their real owner: civil society” (p. 139). Section three emphasizes business models, entrepreneurship, and the distinct media economics that render a media management perspective worthwhile. Andreas Will, Dennis Brüntje and Britta Gossel’s chapter, for example, is a laudable proposal to emphasize entrepreneurship and new media business ventures in media management research, rather than the former focus on studying traditional mainstream media outlets. They criticize the field—rightfully—for being “still strongly influenced by perspectives inculcated in the era of mass media” (p. 204). The book’s fourth segment depicts the specifics of media as products and the audience. Philip Napoli, for instance, discusses the tripartite features of the audience as product, consumer and producer to illustrate “how media management is fundamentally different from management in other industries” (p. 272). Another chapter, penned by Annette Hill, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON MEDIA MANAGEMENT 2018, VOL. 20, NO. 1, 78–79


管理媒体公司和行业:媒体管理有什么特别之处?由 Gregory Ferrell Lowe 和 Charles Brown 编辑

这本内容丰富的卷,由欧洲媒体管理协会 (EMMA) 的两位前任主席——芬兰坦佩雷大学媒体管理教授 Gregory F. Lowe 和威斯敏斯特大学媒体首席讲师 Charles Brown 编辑和汇编管理计划——是一种自我声明的行为。Brown 和 Lowe 着手为该领域的发酵做出贡献——并从一个发人深省的分析开始:Lowe 写道,我们还不能谈论一门学科,“因为在已经证明的共享知识体系中没有特征理论或凝聚力既独特又重要”(第 12 页)。Lowe 和 Brown 主持了一系列精选的贡献,主要来自欧洲和美国的学者,其共同目标是帮助建立学科,通过明确讨论学术领域本身及其主要场所,但也相当广泛地强调媒体管理研究中的当代主题。全书分为四部分,每部分有四章。关于奖学金和荣誉的第一部分评估了该领域的地位。例如,Leona Achtenhagen 和 Bozena Mierzejewska 的一项概述研究比较了学术媒体商业期刊的不同绩效指标,以此作为评估该领域成熟度的一种手段。他们得出的结论是,理论化还太少。本节中另一个有趣的贡献是布朗详细阐述了批判性管理研究对媒体管理的有用性。他提出了一个相关的问题,即媒体管理首先寻求实现的是什么。本书的第二部分概述了欧洲环境中的媒体治理。它调查了公共服务媒体的独立性问题,媒体中的企业社会责任问题,并在贾斯汀·施洛斯伯格的文章中,呼吁在媒体管理中考虑政治经济学的观点,以分析机构新闻的危机——“结构性衰退和资金危机”(第 167 页)。Christian Nissen 对公共服务媒体中政府影响力的描述和模型特别有见地。作为丹麦公共服务广播公司 DR(丹麦广播公司)的前任总干事,Nissen 得出结论,保护公共服务媒体免受政府影响的唯一可持续解决方案是政府“被其真正的所有者:公民社会设想为对其负责”(第 19 页)。139)。第三部分强调商业模式、企业家精神和独特的媒体经济学,这些都使媒体管理的观点变得有价值。例如,Andreas Will、Dennis Brüntje 和 Britta Gossel 的章节是一个值得称赞的建议,在媒体管理研究中强调企业家精神和新媒体商业风险,而不是前者侧重于研究传统的主流媒体。他们批评这个领域——理所当然——因为“仍然受到大众媒体时代灌输的观点的强烈影响”(第 204 页)。这本书的第四部分描述了作为产品和受众的媒体的细节。例如,菲利普·那不勒斯 (Philip Napoli) 讨论了受众作为产品、消费者和生产者的三方特征,以说明“媒体管理与其他行业的管理有何根本不同”(第 272)。另一章,Annette Hill 撰写,2018 年国际媒体管理杂志,第 2 卷。20,没有。1, 78–79