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International Journal of the Legal Profession ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-02 , DOI: 10.1080/09695958.2018.1503218
Avrom Sherr 1

Van Rossum opens this issue considering how legal education might handle ‘late modernity’. This is described as ‘a complex society ruled by uncertainty that faces the challenge of allocating responsibility’ owing to technical changes and the demystification of science together with globalisation. Van Rossum ends with some initial suggestions for possible adjustments to legal education to deal with the uncertainties and changes. These include the development of cultural awareness, critical reflection and the ‘art of doubt’. Hendley throws light on the career preferences of law Graduates in Russia. The proportion of law students has increased fivefold since 1991 largely as a result of the introduction of the market. By concentrating on all law students before they make decisions to move into more specific areas of the different branches and jobs of the legal profession, Hendley provides for the first time an overview of legal career aspirations in Russia. A division appears between part time (usually post experience) and full time (younger, and perhaps brighter) students and their aspirations. The former seem to aim to end up in official type roles with lower prestige; whereas the full time students are aiming for more commercial options. The large number of possible forms of lawyer provide an interesting set of choices, but the levels of uncertainty about where they will end up seem familiar to outsiders in ‘the West’. Bartie considers the methodological challenges of studying women legal scholars through life history. Bartie argues for treating legal scholars differently from pure educators, scholars or lawyers, suggesting that their unique role should inform the work’s central inquiries. There should be a range of views expressed and these should include the subject’s attitude towards feminism and feminist legal scholarship. Choroszewicz and Tremblay study parental-leave policy for male lawyers in Helsinki and Montreal. They ask if there are cultural and professional barriers to male lawyers’ use of paternity and parental leaves in both jurisdictions. In traditionally male-dominated professions, it may not be enough to provide a statutory right. Organisational solutions and peer encouragement in the work environment will be needed to allow men to feel comfortable taking leave. In the Legal Education and Skills section, Thomas and Craduck show how advocates’ anxiety might be reduced in training. Good reading!



范·罗瑟姆(Van Rossum)考虑到法律教育如何处理“晚期现代性”,从而提出了这个问题。由于技术变革和科学的神秘化以及全球化,这被描述为“一个由不确定性统治的复杂社会,面临着分配责任的挑战”。范·罗瑟姆(Van Rossum)最后提出了一些初步建议,建议可能对法律教育进行调整,以应对不确定性和变化。这些包括文化意识的发展,批判性反思和“怀疑的艺术”。亨德利阐明了俄罗斯法律专业毕业生的职业偏好。自1991年以来,法律学生的比例增加了五倍,这主要是由于市场的引入。通过在决定进入法律专业的不同分支和工作的更具体领域之前集中所有法律专业学生,Hendley首次提供了俄罗斯法律职业理想的概述。在兼职(通常是岗位经验)和全职(年轻,甚至更聪明)的学生及其志向之间出现分歧。前者似乎旨在以低声望成为正式类型的角色。而全日制学生则致力于更多的商业选择。大量可能的律师形式提供了一组有趣的选择,但是“西方”的局外人似乎对最终结果的不确定程度感到陌生。巴蒂(Bartie)考虑了通过生活史研究女性法律学者的方法论挑战。巴蒂(Bartie)主张将法律学者与纯粹的教育者,学者或律师区别对待,并认为他们的独特作用应为著作的中心查询提供信息。应该表达各种观点,这些观点应包括主体对女权主义和女权主义法律学术的态度。Choroszewicz和Tremblay研究了赫尔辛基和蒙特利尔的男性律师的育儿假政策。他们询问在两个司法管辖区,男律师使用陪产假和育儿假是否存在文化和专业上的障碍。在传统上以男性为主的职业中,提供法定权利可能还不够。在工作环境中需要组织解决方案和同伴的鼓励,以使男人在休假时感到自在。在法律教育和技能部分,托马斯(Thomas)和克拉达克(Craduck)展示了如何通过培训减少拥护者的焦虑感。好的阅读!