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Psychotherapy clients’ attitudes to personal psychotherapy for psychotherapists
Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-03-07 , DOI: 10.1080/21507686.2016.1157087
Gavin Ivey , Linda Phillips

ABSTRACT A mixed-method online-survey study was conducted to explore psychotherapy clients’ (N = 230) attitudes to psychotherapists engaging in personal therapy. 61% of participants strongly favoured psychotherapists engaging in personal therapy, while only 9% opposed mandating personal therapy as a professional requirement for psychotherapist training. 75% would feel more comfortable seeking treatment from therapists who had experienced their own psychotherapy. Participants believed that undertaking personal therapy creates more empathic, trustworthy and self-aware psychotherapists and that personal therapy is an important resource in psychotherapist self-care and experiential learning. A minority of participants indicated that therapist education obviates the need for personal therapy, and that mandating it could be counterproductive.



摘要进行了一项混合方法在线调查研究,以探讨心理治疗客户(N = 230)对从事个人治疗的心理治疗师的态度。61%的参与者强烈赞成从事个人治疗的心理治疗师,而只有9%的人反对将个人治疗作为心理治疗师培训的专业要求。75%会更愿意寻求经历过心理疗法的治疗师的治疗。参与者认为,进行个人治疗会产生更多的移情,可信赖和自我意识的心理治疗师,而个人治疗是心理治疗师自我护理和体验式学习的重要资源。少数参与者表示,治疗师教育消除了对个人治疗的需求,而强制进行这种治疗可能适得其反。