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Looking for a Job and Borrowing Money: Uncertainty and the Reliance on Strong Ties
International Journal of Sociology Pub Date : 2020-02-13 , DOI: 10.1080/00207659.2020.1726628
Roman Hofreiter 1 , Miloslav Bahna 2

Abstract Analyses regularly document that even in advanced post-industrial societies social networks are relied on when searching for a job or borrowing money, particularly in situations of uncertainty. Our main goal within this paper is to test whether the preference for strong ties when looking for a job and borrowing money varies systematically between individuals and countries. We test if this variability can be explained by experiencing insecurity connected to low social position, or by general uncertainty at the country level—such as uncertainty connected to perceived corruption and a low level of interpersonal trust. Our analysis therefore combines individual level data from the ISSP 2017 Social networks module with country level contextual variables. We find support for a clear link between the reliance on strong ties and personal as well as country level uncertainty in the case of looking for a job. With borrowing money, the link between low social position and reliance on strong ties remains strong, while the impact of society level measures of uncertainty is less clear. We ascribe this to the exclusion of people with low social status from formal financial services regardless of the overall level of uncertainty in a country.



摘要 分析经常记录,即使在发达的后工业社会,在寻找工作或借钱时,尤其是在不确定的情况下,也依赖于社交网络。我们在本文中的主要目标是测试在找工作和借钱时对强关系的偏好是否在个人和国家之间有系统的变化。我们测试这种可变性是否可以通过经历与社会地位低下相关的不安全感或国家层面的普遍不确定性来解释——例如与感知腐败和人际信任水平低相关的不确定性。因此,我们的分析将来自 ISSP 2017 社交网络模块的个人级数据与国家级上下文变量相结合。我们发现,在寻找工作的情况下,对牢固关系的依赖与个人和国家层面的不确定性之间存在明确联系的支持。通过借钱,低社会地位和依赖强关系之间的联系仍然很强烈,而社会层面的不确定性衡量标准的影响则不太清楚。我们将此归因于将社会地位低的人排除在正规金融服务之外,而不管一个国家的总体不确定性水平如何。