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Disaster Risk Reduction—Japanese Initiatives in the World Agenda
Asia-Pacific Review Pub Date : 2017-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/13439006.2017.1321290
Misako Kaji

Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction was held in Sendai, Japan in March 2015, four years after the Great East Japan Earthquake struck on March 11, 2011. Attended by some 150,000 participants from around the world, the Conference adopted the Sendai Declaration and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030, the latter of which was the successor document to Hyogo Framework for Action. Besides significance in efforts to prevent and mitigate disasters, the successful formulation and adoption of the Sendai Framework served to promote collaboration on UN and other conferences held later that year. Disaster Risk Reduction principles of reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing resilience are especially necessary in the Asia-Pacific region which is over-represented in natural disasters. In December 2015, efforts by Japan and 141 other co-sponsors resulted in a UN Resolution to designate the 5th of November “World Tsunami Awareness Day.”



第三届联合国世界减少灾害风险大会于2011年3月11日发生东日本大地震四年后,于2015年3月在日本仙台举行。该大会通过了《仙台宣言》,来自世界各地的约15万名与会者参加了会议。以及《 2015-2030年仙台减少灾害风险框架》,后者是《兵库行动框架》的后续文件。除了在预防和减轻灾难方面的意义外,成功制定和通过《仙台框架》有助于促进在联合国及当年晚些时候举行的其他会议上的合作。减少脆弱性和增强抵御能力的减少灾害风险原则在亚太地区尤为必要,因为该地区在自然灾害中所占比例过高。在2015年12月,