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Racial literacy theory into practice: teacher candidates’ responses
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-26 , DOI: 10.1080/09518398.2020.1783013
Rosalie Rolón-Dow 1 , Jill Ewing Flynn 1 , Hilary Mead 1


This article reports on a research and teaching project that brought the theory of racial literacy into practice in teacher education. Three teacher educators collaborated to develop and implement racial literacy curriculum in their courses and to analyze the responses of teacher candidates. Through qualitative analysis of course assignments and interviews, the article explores how teacher candidates noticed and engaged with racialized dynamics in their own educational experiences and in their field placements. Candidates also began to envision themselves as racially literate teachers who can integrate themes of race and (in)justice into their work. The article explores racial literacy development as an ongoing and non-linear process that requires repeated engagement, differentiation, and support. It discusses how teacher educators can respond to the needs and racial stresses (Stevenson, 2014 Stevenson, H. C. (2014). Promoting racial literacy in schools: Differences that make a difference. New York: Teachers College Press. [Google Scholar]) of both white and racially minoritized teacher candidates and generates recommendations for faculty and institutions concerned with preparing racially literate educators.




本文报告了一项将种族素养理论应用于教师教育实践的研究和教学项目。三名教师教育工作者合作在他们的课程中开发和实施种族素养课程,并分析教师候选人的反应。通过对课程作业和面试的定性分析,本文探讨了教师候选人如何在他们自己的教育经历和实地实习中注意到和参与种族化动态。候选人也开始将自己想象成具有种族素养的教师,可以将种族和(不)公正的主题融入他们的工作中。本文将种族素养发展作为一个持续的非线性过程进行探讨,需要反复参与、差异化和支持。2014年 史蒂文森,HC2014 年)。在学校促进种族扫盲:产生影响的差异纽约师范学院出版社 [Google Scholar] ) 的白人和少数族裔教师候选人,并为与培养具有种族素养的教育者有关的教职员工和机构提供建议。
