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Explaining religion by human faculties: the naturalism of Henry Maudsley
International Journal of Philosophy and Theology ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-07 , DOI: 10.1080/21692327.2020.1753096
Hortense de Villaine 1

ABSTRACT In the second half of the nineteenth century, in Great Britain, a group of scientists decided to challenge the intellectual authority of theologians and clergymen. Because of the recently discovered law of conservation of energy, they considered any so-called ‘divine’ intervention on Nature as scientifically impossible and thus as being pure storytelling. In this context of a global tension between some scientists and some theologians for cultural and intellectual leadership, a famous psychiatrist of his time, Henry Maudsley, decided to provide his readers with a psychological approach of religion. His main objective was to inquire on the human intellectual or passional tendencies leading to the creation and diffusion of different types of religion. By doing this, he showed how religion is deeply rooted in human nature, but not in one of the greatest aspects of our nature.



摘要在十九世纪下半叶,在英国,一群科学家决定挑战神学家和神职人员的知识权威。由于最近发现的能量守恒定律,他们认为任何对自然的所谓“神圣”干预在科学上都是不可能的,因此是纯粹的故事讲述。在一些科学家和神学家之间在文化和知识上的领导力之间存在全球紧张关系的背景下,当时的著名精神病学家亨利·莫兹利(Henry Maudsley)决定向读者提供一种宗教的心理学方法。他的主要目的是探究导致各种宗教的产生和传播的人类智力或激情倾向。通过这样做,他展示了宗教如何深深植根于人性,