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Boundless care: Lacoste’s liturgical being refigured through Heidegger’s Sorge
International Journal of Philosophy and Theology Pub Date : 2020-05-26 , DOI: 10.1080/21692327.2019.1705175
Marina Marren 1

ABSTRACT Taking Jean-Yves Lacoste’s account of liturgy as a point of departure, this essay examines Lacoste’s view of care. Lacoste thinks that care is bracketed or suspended in liturgy. To make this point, Lacoste discusses Martin Heidegger’s notions of world and care. However, Lacoste fails to make adequate distinctions between Heidegger’s notions of care (Sorge) and concern (Besorgen). The crux of this essay is my explanation of the significance that the difference between care and concern makes for our understanding of the meaning of liturgical practices and their pertinence to our worldly lives. I point out the kinds of philosophical ideas that Lacoste inherits from Heidegger and then I explain where Lacoste and Heidegger part ways and why Lacoste lacks sufficient conceptual grounds for his rejection of care as an element of liturgy.


无边的护理:通过海德格尔的佐尔格(Laorge's Sorge)改写了拉科斯特的礼仪仪式

摘要本文以让·伊夫·拉科斯特(Jean-Yves Lacoste)对礼仪的论述为出发点,考察了拉科斯特(Lacoste)的护理观点。Lacoste认为,在礼拜仪式中将护理放在括号内或暂停。为了说明这一点,拉科斯特讨论了马丁·海德格尔关于世界与关怀的概念。然而,拉科斯特未能在海德格尔的关怀概念(佐尔格)和关注(贝索根)之间做出充分区分。本文的重点是我对关爱与关注之间的差异对我们理解礼仪实践的意义及其与我们世俗生活的关系的重要性的解释。我指出了拉科斯特从海德格尔那里继承下来的各种哲学思想,然后解释了拉科斯特和海德格尔在哪里分道扬and,以及为什么拉科斯特缺乏足够的概念基础来拒绝将其作为礼仪的要素。