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The Privilege of the Present: Time and the Trace from Heidegger to Derrida
International Journal of Philosophical Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-25 , DOI: 10.1080/09672559.2020.1766882
Christophe Bouton 1

ABSTRACT One of the starting points of Derrida’s deconstruction is the idea that metaphysics is dominated by an ontological primacy of the present. It is well known that Derrida took up this thesis of the ‘privilege of the present’ in metaphysics from Heidegger. However, this thesis is mentioned without being developed by Heidegger. What is the meaning of this ontological position? How did it originate? Should we try to go beyond it? And if so, how? In this paper, I would like to start out from Heidegger’s view that the understanding of Being, in the metaphysical tradition, is dominated by the ontological primacy of the present: according to this approach, which goes back to Aristotle’s theory of substance (ousia), Being means constant presence; only that which is constantly present really exists. I will then show that Heidegger himself, in his conception of the past, has renewed the privilege of the present, favoring the ‘having been’ (Gewesenheit) over the past as ‘by-gone-ness’ (Vergangenheit). Finally, I will show how Derrida’s concept of trace may help us to go beyond the privilege of the present.



摘要德里达解构的出发点之一是形而上学受当下本体论的主导地位的思想。众所周知,德里达从海德格尔那里继承了形而上学中“现在的特权”的这一论点。然而,这个论点并不是海德格尔所发展的。这种本体论立场的意义何在?它是如何起源的?我们是否应该尝试超越它?如果是这样,如何?在本文中,我想从海德格尔的观点出发,即在形而上学传统中,对存在的理解是由现在的本体论首要支配的:根据这种方法,可以追溯到亚里士多德的实体理论(ousia) ,存在意味着持续存在;只有不断存在的东西才是真正存在的。然后我将展示海德格尔本人,在他对过去的概念中,重新赋予了现在的特权,将过去的“曾经”(Gewesenheit)视为“过去的”(Vergangenheit)。最后,我将展示德里达的痕迹概念如何帮助我们超越当下的特权。