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Participation in non-formal education in risk society
International Journal of Lifelong Education ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-28 , DOI: 10.1080/02601370.2020.1808102
Jan Kalenda 1 , Ilona Kočvarová 1


The participation of adults in lifelong learning has undergone significant development in the last few years, with the percentage of adults participating in non-formal education (NFE) risen dramatically. Within this empirical context, this study conceptualises and interconnects the theory of Ulrich Beck’s risk society with the main trends in contemporary NFE. Based on a secondary analysis of data from the LFS and AES, we test four complementary thesis derived from Beck’s theory. Firstly, if adults participating in NFE with the precarious job contract gradually increase. And if automation plays a more critical role in the prevalence of job-oriented NFE. Secondly, we focus on Beck’s individualisation and market-dependence thesis: Do adults in the CZ tend to individualise more in their participation in NFE during the last decade and do they more dependent on market forces? We found that Czech adult education system exhibits a significant level of individualisation that is not based on the classical class categories, but instead on integration into the job market as well as to a lesser extent on the ownership of cultural capital. Subsequently, individualisation is driven by market forces and dictated by company policy. According to the available data, industrial automation has only an indirect effect on participation in job-oriented NFE.




近年来,成年人参与终身学习取得了长足的发展,成年人参与非正规教育(NFE)的比例急剧上升。在这种实证背景下,本研究将 Ulrich Beck 的风险社会理论与当代 NFE 的主要趋势概念化并相互关联。基于对来自 LFS 和 AES 的数据的二次分析,我们测试了来自贝克理论的四个互补论文。首先,如果以不稳定的工作合同参加 NFE 的成年人逐渐增加。如果自动化在以工作为导向的 NFE 的流行中发挥更关键的作用。其次,我们关注贝克的个性化和市场依赖论点:在过去十年中,CZ 的成年人是否倾向于更加个性化地参与 NFE,他们是否更依赖市场力量?我们发现,捷克成人教育体系表现出显着的个性化水平,这种个性化不是基于经典的阶级类别,而是基于融入就业市场以及在较小程度上基于文化资本的所有权。随后,个性化由市场力量驱动并由公司政策决定。根据现有数据,工业自动化对参与以工作为导向的 NFE 仅具有间接影响。而是关于融入就业市场以及在较小程度上对文化资本的所有权。随后,个性化由市场力量驱动并由公司政策决定。根据现有数据,工业自动化对参与以工作为导向的 NFE 仅具有间接影响。而是关于融入就业市场以及在较小程度上对文化资本的所有权。随后,个性化由市场力量驱动并由公司政策决定。根据现有数据,工业自动化对参与以工作为导向的 NFE 仅具有间接影响。
