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The gap between learners’ personal needs and institutional demands in second chance education in Germany
International Journal of Lifelong Education ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02601370.2020.1825538
Claudia Schuchart , Doris Bühler-Niederberger

ABSTRACT In Germany about half of the adult learners who start second chance education drop out before graduation. In this paper we aim to contribute to an explanation for this low success rate. We focus on the normative expectations of learners: What are their expectations concerning teachers’ attention to their personal abilities, teacher support and the recognition of their needs, and to what extent are these expectations met by teachers? Our main assumption is that the greater the difference between learner’s expectations and teacher practice, the more likely learners are to become disengaged and be absent from school, and this may lead to school dropout in the future. We use a database of N = 420 learners in 7 randomly selected institutions of second chance education in Germany. Results show, that (1) on average, adult learners tend to expect teachers to take an interest in their personal problems and to take responsibility for their learning process. However (2), 30% of learners experience teachers who are a) more or b) less learner-oriented than they expected them to be, and (3) students in group (b) show considerably lower school engagement and higher absences than students in group (a). Results are discussed with regard to practical implications for second chance education.



摘要 在德国,大约一半开始第二次机会教育的成人学习者在毕业前就辍学了。在本文中,我们旨在解释这种低成功率的原因。我们关注学习者的规范期望:他们对教师对他们个人能力的关注、教师的支持和对他们需求的认可有什么期望,教师在多大程度上满足了这些期望?我们的主要假设是,学习者的期望与教师实践之间的差异越大,学习者就越有可能脱离学习和缺课,这可能会导致未来辍学。我们在德国随机选择的 7 家第二次机会教育机构中使用了 N = 420 名学习者的数据库。结果表明, (1) 平均而言,成人学习者倾向于期望教师关注他们的个人问题并对他们的学习过程负责。然而 (2),30% 的学习者遇到的老师 a) 比他们预期的更多或 b) 以学习者为导向,以及 (3) 组 (b) 中的学生表现出比学生低得多的学校参与度和更高的缺勤率在(a)组中。结果讨论了对第二次机会教育的实际影响。