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Employability pathways for young adults: lived experiences of learners and practitioners in Youth Guarantee programmes
International Journal of Lifelong Education Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02601370.2020.1728405
Ellen Boeren 1 , Alan Mackie 2 , Sheila Riddell 2

ABSTRACT Until today, thousands of young adults still dropout of school with no or low qualifications and experience difficulties in entering the labour market. The European Commission offers funding and opportunities for young adults to enter employability enhancing training, often organised under its flagship initiative ‘The Youth Guarantee’. The aim of these programmes is to make young adults a work, training or educational offer within four months of their start into this initiative. In this paper, we critically explore the concept of employability and focus on the roles of both the young adults undergoing training interventions, but also of practitioners whose work is ideally embedded within the local context of the labour market and the economy. We were interested in the participation experiences by both groups to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of these programmes. Evidence from interviews demonstrated that learners and practitioners were generally satisfied with the interventions, although individualised support was preferred over group-based activities. Working with stakeholders was strongly recommended for this target group who tends to experience cumulative disadvantages. Long-term follow-up of participants’ destinations will provide better evidence on the effectiveness of these programmes.



摘要 直到今天,仍有数以千计的年轻人辍学,没有或没有资格,并且在进入劳动力市场时遇到困难。欧盟委员会为年轻人提供资金和机会参加增强就业能力的培训,通常是在其旗舰计划“青年保障”下组织的。这些计划的目的是让年轻人在参与该计划后的四个月内获得工作、培训或教育机会。在本文中,我们批判性地探讨了就业能力的概念,并关注接受培训干预的年轻人以及其工作理想地融入当地劳动力市场和经济环境的从业者的角色。我们对两个小组的参与经验很感兴趣,以分析这些计划的优势和劣势。访谈的证据表明,学习者和从业者普遍对干预措施感到满意,尽管个人支持比基于小组的活动更受欢迎。强烈建议此目标群体与利益相关者合作,他们往往会经历累积的劣势。对参与者目的地的长期跟踪将为这些计划的有效性提供更好的证据。强烈建议此目标群体与利益相关者合作,他们往往会经历累积的劣势。对参与者目的地的长期跟踪将为这些计划的有效性提供更好的证据。强烈建议此目标群体与利益相关者合作,他们往往会经历累积的劣势。对参与者目的地的长期跟踪将为这些计划的有效性提供更好的证据。