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Shaping the democratic, relational, and reflective youth recreation leader
International Journal of Lifelong Education ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02601370.2019.1691667
Andreas Ruschkowski 1 , Magnus Dahlstedt 2 , Andreas Fejes 1

ABSTRACT Youth recreation centres have been a key institution in providing young people with meaningful activity after school, going back to the mid-twentieth century in Sweden. These centres have been the focus of research, but very few studies have paid attention to the youth recreation leader, the person working in these centres. In this article, we direct our focus towards youth recreation leaders by analysing how a discourse on the ideal youth recreation leader takes shape through policy, how it operates, and with what effect. We are inspired by the work of Foucault in understanding discourse, power, and subjectivity. Our analysis illustrates how a democratic, relational, and reflective ideal youth recreation leader is shaped and fostered through current policy discourses in Sweden. Such a subjectivity emerges through technologies of power and the self, of which the confession is one. Through the confession, the youth recreation leader is simultaneously governed and governs others – the conduct of conduct. The case presented here can tell us more about the way in which governing operates in contemporary society.



摘要 青年娱乐中心一直是为年轻人提供放学后有意义的活动的关键机构,这可以追溯到二十世纪中叶的瑞典。这些中心一直是研究的重点,但很少有研究关注青年娱乐领导者,即在这些中心工作的人。在本文中,我们通过分析有关理想青年娱乐领导者的话语如何通过政策、其运作方式以及产生的效果来将重点放在青年娱乐领导者身上。我们受到福柯在理解话语、权力和主体性方面的工作的启发。我们的分析说明了如何通过瑞典当前的政策话语塑造和培养民主、相关和反思的理想青年娱乐领导者。这种主观性是通过权力和自我的技术出现的,忏悔就是其中之一。通过忏悔,青少年游乐领袖同时被治理和治理他人——行为的行为。这里展示的案例可以告诉我们更多关于治理在当代社会中的运作方式。