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Online Teaching in International Business
Journal of Teaching in International Business ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/08975930.2020.1738755
Raj Aggarwal 1 , Yinglu Wu 2

Higher education, including that in International Business (IB), faces a number of challenges. One of the primary challenges is its cost that is rising at a much faster pace than any other costs except medical costs. We now have skyrocketing and debilitating student debt problem in the US. These rising costs also limit access to higher education. Unlike most modern industries that have been disrupted to varying degrees by new technologies, higher education does not seem to have undergone such disruption. Many critics are pointing to online education as a less expensive alternative. How would online education impact IB education? We address the question here in this issue. Online education offers many advantages. Many geographically dispersed students can take advantage of such education. In many cases, online education can also be asynchronous so that students can attend classes at times convenient to them. At the same time, professors can record their lessons at times convenient for them. These freedoms of time and place in learning can dramatically expand the size and diversity of a class and the range of teaching and learning pedagogies used. Given the advantages of time and place, online education has expanded dramatically in popularity over the last decade. According to the data by the National Center for Education Statistics, between 2007 and 2017, the percentage of US undergraduate students who participated in online or distance education at degree-granting institutions increased from 20.6% to 32.9%, and the percent of undergraduate enrollment that took online education exclusively rose from a mere 3.8% to 13.3%. Accompanying the rapid growth in the demand and offering of online education is the increased attention to the quality and effectiveness of online education. For example, according to Arbaugh, Formicary, and Hwang (2016), of the top 100 most cited business management education research from 1974 to 2014, almost a quarter are related to the topic of distance education and online teaching and learning. Geographic and cultural diversity is particularly important in international business (IB) education. The Internet allows for greater exposure to foreign cultures. Web content, such as videos and blogs, enables students to learn about other countries and cultures in a rich and engaging manner without



包括国际商务(IB)在内的高等教育面临许多挑战。主要挑战之一是其成本以比医疗成本以外的任何其他成本快得多的速度增长。现在,我们在美国的学生债务问题急剧上升,使人衰弱。这些不断上涨的成本也限制了接受高等教育的机会。不同于大多数现代产业已被新技术不同程度地破坏,高等教育似乎并未受到这种破坏。许多批评家指出,在线教育是一种较便宜的选择。在线教育将如何影响IB教育?我们在本期中解决这个问题。在线教育具有许多优势。许多地理位置分散的学生可以利用这种教育。在很多情况下 在线教育也可以是异步的,以便学生可以在方便的时候上课。同时,教授可以在方便的时候录制课程。学习中的时间和地点的这些自由可以极大地扩大班级的规模和多样性以及所采用的教学方法的范围。鉴于时间和地点的优势,在线教育在过去十年中迅速普及。根据美国国家教育统计中心的数据,在2007年至2017年期间,在获得学位的机构中参加在线或远程教育的美国本科生百分比从20.6%增至32.9%,在线教育的占比从仅仅3.8%上升到13.3%。随着在线教育的需求和提供的快速增长,人们越来越关注在线教育的质量和有效性。例如,根据Arbaugh,Formicary和Hwang(2016)的研究,在1974年至2014年间被引用最多的100个商业管理教育研究中,近四分之一与远程教育和在线教学有关。地理和文化多样性在国际商务(IB)教育中尤其重要。互联网允许更多地接触外国文化。诸如视频和博客之类的网络内容使学生能够以丰富而有趣的方式了解其他国家和文化 根据Arbaugh,Formicary和Hwang(2016)的研究,在1974年至2014年间被最引以为傲的100项商业管理教育研究中,近四分之一与远程教育和在线教学有关。地理和文化多样性在国际商务(IB)教育中尤其重要。互联网允许更多地接触外国文化。诸如视频和博客之类的网络内容使学生能够以丰富而有趣的方式了解其他国家和文化 根据Arbaugh,Formicary和Hwang(2016)的研究,在1974年至2014年间被引用次数最多的100个商业管理教育研究中,近四分之一与远程教育和在线教学有关。地理和文化多样性在国际商务(IB)教育中尤其重要。互联网允许更多地接触外国文化。诸如视频和博客之类的网络内容使学生能够以丰富而有趣的方式了解其他国家和文化 地理和文化多样性在国际商务(IB)教育中尤其重要。互联网允许更多地接触外国文化。诸如视频和博客之类的网络内容使学生能够以丰富而有趣的方式了解其他国家和文化 地理和文化多样性在国际商务(IB)教育中尤其重要。互联网允许更多地接触外国文化。诸如视频和博客之类的网络内容使学生能够以丰富而有趣的方式了解其他国家和文化