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Youth wildlife preferences and species-based conservation priorities in a low-income biodiversity hotspot region
Environmental Conservation ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-08 , DOI: 10.1017/s0376892921000035
Michael J Liles , M Nils Peterson , Kathryn T Stevenson , Markus J Peterson

SummaryPublic preferences for wildlife protection can dictate the success or failure of conservation interventions. However, little research has focused on wildlife preferences among youth or how youth prioritize species-based conservation. We conducted a study of youth between 7 and 20 years old (n = 128) at five local schools situated near critical hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) nesting beaches in El Salvador to determine their wildlife preferences and how they prioritize species for conservation based on five attributes: endemism; use for hunting and fishing; rapid decline in population size; presence around their home; and ecological significance. These Salvadoran youth showed preferences for native over non-native species and tended to rank rapid population decline as the most important attribute for prioritizing wildlife for protection, followed by use for hunting and fishing. Participants in local environmental education activities placed greater importance on species in rapid decline than non-participants, who considered endemism as most important. Overall, these findings reveal how environmental education may successfully promote increased prioritization of imperilled species among youth. Economic payments for conserving hawksbill turtles may link the two top reasons that Salvadoran youth provided for protecting species by compensating for the reduced hunting required to facilitate population stabilization.



摘要公众对野生动物保护的偏好可以决定保护干预措施的成败。然而,很少有研究关注年轻人对野生动物的偏好或年轻人如何优先考虑基于物种的保护。我们在位于关键玳瑁附近的五所当地学校对 7 至 20 岁的青少年(n = 128)进行了一项研究(红毛茛) 在萨尔瓦多筑巢海滩以确定他们的野生动物偏好以及他们如何根据五个属性优先保护物种:特有性;用于狩猎和捕鱼;人口规模迅速下降;在家附近的存在;和生态意义。这些萨尔瓦多青年表现出对本地物种而非本地物种的偏好,并倾向于将快速人口下降列为优先保护野生动物的最重要属性,其次是用于狩猎和捕鱼。当地环境教育活动的参与者比非参与者更重视迅速衰退的物种,他们认为地方性是最重要的。总体而言,这些发现揭示了环境教育如何成功地促进青年对濒危物种的优先排序。