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Shifting probation culture and advancing juvenile probation reform through a community‐based, participatory action research‐informed training
Behavioral Sciences & the Law ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-08 , DOI: 10.1002/bsl.2497
Leah Brogan 1, 2 , Jeanne McPhee 2 , Elizabeth Gale‐Bentz 3 , Brittany Rudd 4 , Naomi Goldstein 2

Many jurisdictions are currently transforming their juvenile probation systems to reflect research‐informed, developmentally based case management approaches. Training, developed through a community‐based, participatory action research (CBPAR) framework and guided by a community–academic partnership, may promote probation staff's readiness for such change. This paper examined whether such training could serve as an effective method to impact organizational culture by exploring shifts in probation staff's knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about graduated response – a structured juvenile probation case management system that aligns with research on adolescent development and youth behavior change. Data came from 559 juvenile probation staff trained in graduated response theory and practice between 2016 and 2019. Results demonstrated that at the end of a 1‐day, CBPAR‐grounded training program, participating staff reported significantly more buy‐in to graduated response, greater knowledge of this new system, and attitudes more strongly in favor of graduated response and intended behaviors. Study findings revealed important shifts indicative of readiness for change within juvenile probation departments. Additional implementation strategies are needed to extend training gains and overcome organizational‐ and system‐level barriers to change.



目前,许多司法管辖区正在转变其青少年缓刑制度,以反映基于研究的,基于发展的案件管理方法。通过基于社区的参与性行动研究(CBPAR)框架开发的培训,并在社区与学术界的合作伙伴关系的指导下,可以促进试用人员为这种变化做好准备。本文探讨了这种培训是否可以通过探索缓刑人员对毕业后应对的知识,态度和信念的转变来作为一种有效的方法来影响组织文化,这种转变是一种结构化的青少年缓刑案件管理系统,与青少年发展和青年行为改变的研究相吻合。 。数据来自559名在2016年至2019年之间接受毕业后的应对理论和实践培训的青少年缓刑工作人员。结果表明,在为期1天的CBPAR实地培训计划结束时,与会人员报告了对毕业生反应的认可,对这种新系统的更多了解以及对毕业生反应和预期行为的更强烈的态度。研究结果表明,重要的转变表明青少年缓刑部门已做好改变的准备。需要其他实施策略来扩大培训收益并克服组织和系统级的变革障碍。研究结果表明,重要的转变表明青少年缓刑部门已做好改变的准备。需要其他实施策略来扩大培训收益并克服组织和系统级的变革障碍。研究结果表明,重要的转变表明青少年缓刑部门已做好改变的准备。需要其他实施策略来扩大培训收益并克服组织和系统级的变革障碍。