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Studying the onset of deconfinement with multi‐messenger astronomy of neutron stars
Astronomische Nachrichten ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-07 , DOI: 10.1002/asna.202113909
David Blaschke 1, 2, 3 , Mateusz Cierniak 1

With the first multi‐messenger observation of a binary neutron star merger (GW170817), new constraints became available for masses and radii of neutron stars. We introduce a class of hybrid EoS that fulfills all these constraints and predicts a region in the mass‐radius diagram that could be populated only by hybrid neutron stars with quark matter cores. A confirmation of this conjecture would be provided when the NICER radius measurement for the high‐mass pulsar PSR J0740 + 6620 yields a radius significantly less than 11 km. Would this radius measurement yield a result in excess of 12 km, this would allow for both, a purely hadronic and a hybrid nature of this star. In the latter case, the maximum mass could reach 2.6 M so that the lighter object in the asymmetric binary merger GW190814 could have been a hybrid star. We demonstrate that this high mass can be compatible with an early onset of deconfinement for stars with masses below M and the occurrence of low‐mass twin stars. In such a case, the remnant of GW170817 could be a long‐lived hypermassive pulsar.



随着对双星中子星合并(GW170817)的首次多信使观测,对中子星的质量和半径提供了新的约束。我们引入一类混合EoS,它可以满足所有这些约束条件,并在质量半径图中预测一个区域,该区域只能由具有夸克物质核的混合中子星构成。当高质量脉冲星PSR J0740 + 6620的NICER半径测量得出的半径明显小于11 km时,将提供这一推测的证实。半径测量结果是否会超过12 km,这将使该恒星具有纯强子和混合性质。在后一种情况下,最大质量可达到2.6 中号因此,非对称双星合并GW190814中的较轻物体可能是混合星。我们表明,这种高的质量可与禁闭的早期发生的恒星低于群众兼容中号和低质量双星的发生。在这种情况下,GW170817的残留物可能是长寿命的超大规模脉冲星。