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Why Stay Together? State Nationalism and Justifications for State Unity in Spain and the UK
Nationalism and Ethnic Politics ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/13537113.2020.1716443
Coree Brown Swan 1 , Daniel Cetrà 2

Abstract This paper examines the way party elites in the UK and Spain discursively construct the nation and justify state integrity in the face of resurgent Catalan and Scottish demands for self-determination and independence. While in each case there is a plurality of conceptions of the state, in Spain the demos is predominantly defined as a single, indivisible nation of equal citizens while in the UK the focus is typically on a plurinational Union. This, we contend, shapes the arguments made in favor of state unity. The dominant case for state integrity in Spain is more negative, focused primarily on the unconstitutionality of independence and delegitimizing the independence agenda. In the UK, the predominant appeal to the Union is more positive and instrumental: as the country is perceived as a partnership entered into willingly, a case must be made for its continuation. This paper seeks to contribute to the understanding of state nationalism and political dynamics in plurinational states by shedding light on the ways in which party elites understand and legitimize the state at moments of profound internal challenge.



摘要 本文考察了英国和西班牙的政党精英在面对重新兴起的加泰罗尼亚和苏格兰对自决和独立的要求时,以话语方式构建国家并为国家完整性辩护的方式。虽然在每种情况下都有多种国家概念,但在西班牙,人民主要被定义为一个单一的、不可分割的平等公民国家,而在英国,重点通常是多民族联盟。我们认为,这塑造了支持国家统一的论点。西班牙国家完整性的主要案例更为消极,主要集中在独立的违宪性和独立议程的非法化上。在英国,对欧盟的主要呼吁更为积极和有用:因为该国被视为自愿建立的伙伴关系,必须为它的继续进行立案。本文旨在通过阐明政党精英在面临深刻内部挑战的时刻理解国家并使国家合法化的方式,为理解多民族国家的国家民族主义和政治动态做出贡献。