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Precarious repurposing: learning languages through the Seal Wife
NJ Pub Date : 2017-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14452294.2017.1329681
Claire Coleman 1

Abstract ‘Je voudrais un café au lait’ you nervously utter to your classmate, who listens carefully while wearing his best haughty French expression. Role play has long been popular in Additional Language (AL) classes for practising and rehearsing daily conversations. Subsequently other forms of drama education have garnered interest from the Language learning community for their ability to provide purposeful and engaging contexts for learning. This paper critiques the work of two language educators, who have adapted Cecily O’Neill’s The Seal Wife for an AL learning context. It critically examines the two dramas focusing upon several key features of process drama and discusses potential issues which may arise from borrowing and altering existing drama works.



摘录'Je voudrais uncaféau lait',您会紧张地对您的同学说,他的同学戴着最好的法国幽默表情时会仔细听。角色扮演长期以来在“附加语言”(AL)课程中用于练习和排练日常对话。随后,其他形式的戏剧教育因其提供有目的性和吸引力的学习环境的能力而受到语言学习社区的关注。本文对两位语言教育工作者的工作进行了批评,他们将塞西莉·奥尼尔(Cecily O'Neill)的《封印妻子》(The Seal Wife)改编为AL学习环境。它着眼于过程戏剧的几个关键特征,对这部两部戏剧进行了严格的审查,并讨论了借用和更改现有戏剧作品可能引起的潜在问题。