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Framing Subalternity, Precarity and Poverty in Selected Songs by Leonard Zhakata
Muziki ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-13 , DOI: 10.1080/18125980.2020.1784037
Leonard Chitongo 1 , Josiah Taru 2


This article examines the ways in which poverty is portrayed in selected songs composed and performed by Leonard Karikoga Zhakata. Zhakata is renowned for his songs that depict the deprivation, failed governance, greediness, and everyday hardships that most Zimbabweans experience in postcolonial Zimbabwe. In this article, we situate media framing theory within the processes that inform people's vulnerability. Through thematic analysis of four songs composed and performed by Zhakata, we bring to the fore the complexity of music, power and subalternity in Zimbabwe as well as the complexity of poverty, deprivation and vulnerability in Zimbabwe as portrayed in art. Zhakata's songs reflect that poverty in Zimbabwe is a result of poor governance and an inability and unwillingness by the leadership to improve the lives of ordinary Zimbabweans. Zhakata appreciates that poverty and vulnerability are multifaceted phenomena influenced by complex structural conditions in Zimbabwe. Furthermore, the songs illustrate dimensions of poverty as well as the plurality of meanings that Zimbabweans from different class, cultural, and religious backgrounds attach to everyday struggles. We argue that through his music, Zhakata captures subaltern experiences and realities, and challenges those in power to transform governance models in ways that benefit marginalised categories of society. This makes Zhakata's music political and accounts for the complex relationship Zhakata has had with the political leadership in government. The article makes a contribution to the complexity of music, power, and subalternity in postcolonial Zimbabwe.


伦纳德·扎卡塔(Leonard Zhakata)的精选歌曲中的亚婚,不稳定和贫困框架


本文考察了伦纳德·卡里科加·扎卡塔(Leonard Karikoga Zhakata)创作和表演的歌曲中贫穷的表现方式。扎卡塔(Zhakata)以他的歌曲而著称,这些歌曲描绘了大多数津巴布韦人在后殖民时期津巴布韦经历的剥夺,治理失败,贪婪和日常困苦。在本文中,我们将媒体框架理论置于告知人们脆弱性的过程中。通过对Zhakata创作和表演的四首歌曲的主题分析,我们将津巴布韦音乐,权力和世袭的复杂性以及艺术所描绘的津巴布韦贫困,匮乏和脆弱性的复杂性凸显出来。扎卡塔(Zhakata)的歌曲反映出津巴布韦的贫困是治理不善以及领导层无力和不愿改善普通津巴布韦人生活的结果。扎卡塔赞赏贫困和脆弱性是受津巴布韦复杂结构状况影响的多方面现象。此外,这些歌曲说明了贫困的程度以及来自不同阶级,文化和宗教背景的津巴布韦人在日常斗争中所具有的多种含义。我们认为,扎卡塔通过他的音乐捕捉到了下属的经验和现实,并挑战了当权者以有利于边缘化社会类别的方式转变治理模式。这使Zhakata的音乐具有政治性,并解释了Zhakata与政府政治领导层之间的复杂关系。本文为后殖民时期津巴布韦的音乐,力量和亚世代相传的复杂性做出了贡献。
