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Stories from prisons, honoring loved ones
Museums & Social Issues ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/15596893.2017.1292103
Hannah Galloway

ABSTRACT A history class at the University of New Orleans did a project with prisoners at Louisiana State Penitentiary to help those incarcerated honor their loved ones who are deceased. Prison guards distributed templates created by teacher Ben Weber, asking for the name, location, and story about the person they wanted to honor. Prisoners wrote in and shared their experience and the class carried out their request, photographed the process, and then mailed the prisoner back a collage with the photos from their request being fulfilled. The project had a positive impact on both the prisoners and the students. The prisoners felt good that they could honor their loved ones with the help of others who care about their situation. The students gained perspective on the struggles incarcerated people face, including being separated from their loved ones.



摘要 新奥尔良大学的一个历史课与路易斯安那州立监狱的囚犯一起进行了一个项目,以帮助被监禁的人纪念已故的亲人。狱警分发了 Ben Weber 老师创建的模板,询问他们想要纪念的人的姓名、地点和故事。囚犯写信并分享他们的经验,班级执行他们的要求,拍摄过程,然后将一张拼贴画寄回囚犯,他们的要求得到满足。该项目对囚犯和学生都产生了积极影响。囚犯们感到很高兴,因为他们可以在关心他们处境的其他人的帮助下向他们所爱的人致敬。学生们对被监禁的人面临的斗争有了新的认识,包括与亲人分离。