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Considerations to Make, Needs to Balance: Two Moral Challenges Museum Employees Face When Working with Contested, Sensitive Histories
Museum International Pub Date : 2018-07-01 , DOI: 10.1111/muse.12212
Kathrin Pabst

Abstract Over the past decades, many museums have seen their roles change significantly. Originally institutions essentially committed to bridging the gap between a nation's past and present, they have gradually assumed a supplementary role as social actors with a special opportunity for giving marginalised groups a chance to be heard and seen. A multitude of strong narratives, many of them traumatic, have found their way into museums, and in many ways have radically transformed the working days of museum professionals. In the wake of this development, a number of moral challenges have appeared, for instance how to deal with sensitive, contested history, how to master delicate interview situations or how to reconcile professional obligations with empathy, compassion and solidarity. The purpose of this article is to shed some light on two of these challenges. Drawing on material from my doctoral thesis, I start with a brief overview of museum and ethics, before dealing more deeply with the need to balance between individual needs with those of the greater public, and the challenges of managing individual subjectivity whilst remaining a museum employee who is expected to uphold truth and objectivity. Drawing from recent research results and practical experience, I offer some advice on what museums can and should do to respond to moral challenges.



摘要 在过去的几十年里,许多博物馆的角色发生了显着变化。最初的机构主要致力于弥合一个国家的过去和现在之间的差距,它们逐渐承担了作为社会参与者的补充作用,并为边缘化群体提供了一个被倾听和看到的机会。许多强有力的叙述,其中许多是创伤性的,已经进入博物馆,并在许多方面从根本上改变了博物馆专业人士的工作日。随着这一发展,出现了许多道德挑战,例如如何处理敏感的、有争议的历史,如何掌握微妙的采访情况,或者如何协调职业义务与同理心、同情心和团结。本文旨在阐明其中两个挑战。根据我的博士论文中的材料,我首先简要概述博物馆和道德规范,然后更深入地处理个人需求与广大公众的需求之间的平衡需求,以及在保持博物馆员工身份的同时管理个人主观性的挑战谁应该坚持真理和客观性。根据最近的研究结果和实践经验,我就博物馆可以和应该做什么来应对道德挑战提出了一些建议。以及管理个人主观性的挑战,同时保持博物馆员工的真实性和客观性。根据最近的研究结果和实践经验,我就博物馆可以和应该做什么来应对道德挑战提出了一些建议。以及管理个人主观性的挑战,同时保持博物馆员工的真实性和客观性。根据最近的研究结果和实践经验,我就博物馆可以和应该做什么来应对道德挑战提出了一些建议。