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Diversifying Displays of Biological Sex and Sexual Behaviour in a Natural History Museum
Museum International ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/13500775.2020.1806597
Chase D. Mendenhall , Vivienne G. Hayes , Jay R. Margolis , Eric Dorfman

Abstract Many natural history museums present species’ life histories in their galleries, which millions of visitors use to make meaning of the ‘natural world’ to which humans belong. Because curation is inherently practiced through a human’s perspective, and often the male gaze, images depicting the ‘natural world’ may be informed more by dominant understandings of sex and gender as social constructs of idealised bodies and behaviours than by scientific understanding. In this paper, we conduct a quantitative survey of displays in the Carnegie Museum of Natural History to test for biases that naturalise socially constructed gender ideals. We statistically tested for bias to display dioecious species (species where sex is partitioned into two bodies), to display male specimens, and to physically arrange taxidermy in ways that suggest females are coy and males are passionate. We find significant evidence of the invisibility of non-binary natural histories in noting that fewer than 10% of specimens on display are from monecious or non-binary species. Based on a survey of 392 mammal and bird specimens on display, there is a significant sex bias resulting in collections displaying one female specimen for every two male specimens. Moreover, the survey shows a significant bias in how a museum portrays female and male specimens, with 63% of 56 mixed-sex groups of mammals and birds physically arranged specimens in ways that suggested females are coy and males are passionate. Finally, we identify places where signage, programming, and interventions can be used as a starting point for a museum to tell more stories of non-binary biological sex, unfixed biological sex, same-sex sexual behaviour, and diverse family arrangements.



摘要 许多自然历史博物馆在他们的画廊中展示物种的生活史,数以百万计的参观者利用它们来理解人类所属的“自然世界”。因为策展本质上是通过人类的视角进行实践的,而且通常是男性的凝视,描绘“自然世界”的图像可能更多地来自对作为理想化身体和行为的社会建构的性别和性别的主流理解,而不是科学理解。在本文中,我们对卡内基自然历史博物馆的展览进行了定量调查,以测试将社会建构的性别理想自然化的偏见。我们对显示雌雄异株物种(性别分为两个主体的物种)、显示雄性标本的偏见进行了统计测试,并以暗示雌性腼腆而雄性热情的方式进行动物标本剥制。我们发现了非二元自然历史不可见的重要证据,注意到展出的标本中只有不到 10% 来自雌雄同体或非二元物种。根据对展出的 392 个哺乳动物和鸟类标本的调查,存在显着的性别偏见,导致每两个男性标本展示一个女性标本。此外,调查显示博物馆在描绘雌性和雄性标本方面存在显着偏见,在 56 个混合性别的哺乳动物和鸟类群体中,63% 的动物标本的身体排列方式表明雌性腼腆而雄性充满热情。最后,我们确定标牌、编程、