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The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction
Museum International ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1111/muse.12189
Werner Schweibenz

Abstract The digitisation of images is a prerequisite for their dissemination on the Internet, to make them widely accessible. Due to their sheer number and pertinence, digital images and their derivatives can have a powerful effect on observers, which exceeds the impact of photography in the early 20th century. However, increased access to images may lead people to confuse the image with the object it represents, and there are indicators that digital technology might be one of the main reasons for this. There is anecdotal evidence that museum visitors believe that photographs in the museum shop do not represent the original painting due to their habituation to the widespread yellow‐tinted copies on the Internet. This raises the question of what happens if information technology provides perfect copies of originals: will this result in a ‘crisis of the original’ and a ‘culture of copies’ that could devalue the original? Is it possible that the aura of the original migrates to the perfect copy, as has been suggested for digital facsimiles of paintings? Using artificial intelligence, scientists worked on ‘The Next Rembrandt’, a project that created a typical Rembrandt based on the stylistic analysis of 346 portraits of the Dutch master that was printed with a high‐quality 3D printer. High‐quality digital reproductions or facsimiles raise the question of the long term effects on western museum canon, an effect that is potentially disruptive.



摘要 图像的数字化是它们在互联网上传播的先决条件,使它们能够被广泛访问。由于数字图像及其衍生品的数量和针对性,它们可以对观察者产生强大的影响,这超过了 20 世纪早期摄影的影响。然而,更多地访问图像可能会导致人们将图像与其所代表的对象混淆,有迹象表明数字技术可能是造成这种情况的主要原因之一。有轶事证据表明,博物馆参观者认为博物馆商店中的照片并不代表原画,因为他们习惯于互联网上广泛存在的黄色复制品。这就提出了一个问题,如果信息技术提供原件的完美副本会发生什么:这会导致“原作危机”和“复制文化”,从而使原作贬值吗?原作的光环是否有可能迁移到完美的复制品,就像绘画的数字传真所建议的那样?科学家们使用人工智能开展了“下一个伦勃朗”项目,该项目基于对使用高质量 3D 打印机打印的荷兰大师的 346 幅肖像进行风格分析,创建了典型的伦勃朗。高质量的数字复制品或传真件引发了对西方博物馆经典的长期影响的问题,这种影响可能具有破坏性。正如对绘画的数字传真所建议的那样?科学家们使用人工智能开展了“下一个伦勃朗”项目,该项目基于对使用高质量 3D 打印机打印的荷兰大师的 346 幅肖像进行风格分析,创建了典型的伦勃朗。高质量的数字复制品或传真件引发了对西方博物馆经典的长期影响的问题,这种影响可能具有破坏性。正如对绘画的数字传真所建议的那样?科学家们使用人工智能开展了“下一个伦勃朗”项目,该项目基于对使用高质量 3D 打印机打印的荷兰大师的 346 幅肖像进行风格分析,创建了典型的伦勃朗。高质量的数字复制品或传真件引发了对西方博物馆经典的长期影响的问题,这种影响可能具有破坏性。