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Old habits die hard: Writing the excavation and dispersal history of Nimrud
Museum History Journal ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-05-29 , DOI: 10.1080/19369816.2017.1328913
Eleanor Robson 1

ABSTRACT The archaeological site of Nimrud in northern Iraq is triply famous in the history of Middle Eastern fieldwork: first as one of the places where young explorer Austen Henry Layard uncovered the physical remains of the Biblical city of ‘Nineveh’ in the 1840s; then as the setting for Max Mallowan and Agatha Christie’s large-scale project to uncover the Assyrian city of Kalhu in the 1940s and 50s; and most recently, as one of the high-profile targets of ISIS’ cultural heritage destruction in the region in early 2015. In 2013–15 I ran an AHRC-funded research project on the history of excavations at Nimrud, the dispersal of finds from the site to museums, and the histories that have been written from that evidence for a website (http://oracc.org/nimrud). One major aim was to provide open-licensed material for re-use by museums holding Nimrud artefacts in their collections, but which do not have specialist curatorial staff to research and explain them. In writing that material it proved surprisingly hard to move away from the well-worn anecdotes of popular narratives that constructed unreliable object habits: heroic Layard’s derring-do in discovering Biblical, imperial monuments; doughty Agatha’s improvised cleaning of the Nimrud ivories with her face-cream; ISIS’s barbaric mission to destroy civilisation. In this paper, I explore the strategies we developed to write a deeper history of the site and its finds, and reflect on our relative successes and failures.



摘要 伊拉克北部尼姆鲁德考古遗址在中东田野调查的历史上三重著名:首先是年轻探险家奥斯汀亨利莱亚德在 1840 年代发现圣经城市“尼尼微”实物遗迹的地方之一;然后作为 Max Mallowan 和 Agatha Christie 在 1940 和 50 年代探索亚述城市 Kalhu 的大型项目的背景;最近,作为 2015 年初 ISIS 在该地区破坏文化遗产的备受瞩目的目标之一。 2013-15 年,我运行了一个 AHRC 资助的关于尼姆鲁德挖掘历史的研究项目,发现从博物馆的网站,以及根据该证据为网站 (http://oracc.org/nimrud) 编写的历史。一个主要目标是提供开放许可的材料,供藏有尼姆鲁德文物的博物馆重复使用,但这些博物馆没有专门的策展人员来研究和解释它们。在编写这些材料时,事实证明,要摆脱那些构建不可靠对象习惯的流行叙事中陈旧的轶事是非常困难的:英勇的莱亚德在发现圣经、帝国纪念碑方面的错误行为;强悍的阿加莎用她的面霜即兴清洁尼姆鲁德的象牙;伊斯兰国摧毁文明的野蛮使命。在本文中,我探索了我们制定的策略,以撰写更深入的网站及其发现的历史,并反思我们的相对成功和失败。在编写这些材料时,事实证明,要摆脱那些构建不可靠对象习惯的流行叙事中陈旧的轶事是非常困难的:英勇的莱亚德在发现圣经、帝国纪念碑方面的错误行为;强悍的阿加莎用她的面霜即兴清洁尼姆鲁德的象牙;伊斯兰国摧毁文明的野蛮使命。在本文中,我探索了我们制定的策略,以撰写更深入的网站及其发现的历史,并反思我们的相对成功和失败。在编写这些材料时,事实证明,要摆脱那些构建不可靠对象习惯的流行叙事中陈旧的轶事是非常困难的:英勇的莱亚德在发现圣经、帝国纪念碑方面的错误行为;强悍的阿加莎用她的面霜即兴清洁尼姆鲁德的象牙;伊斯兰国摧毁文明的野蛮使命。在本文中,我探索了我们制定的策略,以撰写更深入的网站及其发现的历史,并反思我们的相对成功和失败。