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Shakespeare and National Mythologizing in Czech Nineteenth Century Drama
Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-04-22 , DOI: 10.1515/mstap-2016-0003
Martin Procházka

Abstract The paper will discuss the ways in which Shakespeare’s tragedies (King Lear) and histories (1 and 2 Henry IV), translated in the period of the Czech cultural renaissance (known also as the Czech National Revival) at the end of the 18th and in the first half of the 19th century, challenge and transform the nationalist concept of history based on “primordialism” (Anthony Smith), deriving from an invented account of remote past (the forged Manuscripts of Dvur Kralove and Zelena Hora) and emphasizing its absolute value for the present and future of the Czech nation. While for nationalist leaders Shakespeare’s dramas served as models for “boldly painted heroic characters” of the Czech past, translators, dramatists and poets had to deal with the aspects of Shakespeare’s tragedies and histories which were disrupting the nationalist visions of the past and future. Contrasting the appropriations of King Lear and both parts of Henry IV in the translations and historical plays by the leading Czech dramatist Josef Kajetán Tyl (1808-1852) and the notebooks and dramatic fragments of the major romantic poet Karel Hynek Mácha (1810-1836), the paper will attempt to specify the role of Shakespeare in shaping the historical consciousness of emerging modern Czech culture.



摘要本文将讨论18世纪末和20世纪20年代末捷克文艺复兴时期(也称为捷克民族复兴)翻译莎士比亚悲剧(国王李尔)和历史(亨利四世和亨利四世)的方式。在19世纪上半叶,对“原始主义”(安东尼·史密斯)的民族主义历史观念进行了挑战和改造,它源自对偏远过去的虚构记载(《德沃·克拉洛夫和德列娜·霍拉的伪造手稿》),并强调其绝对意义。为捷克民族现在和未来的价值。对于民族主义领袖莎士比亚的戏剧来说,它是捷克过去“大胆描绘英雄人物”的榜样,而译者,戏剧家和诗人必须处理莎士比亚悲剧和历史的各个方面,这些方面正在破坏民族主义对过去和未来的看法。与捷克著名戏剧家约瑟夫·卡杰坦·泰尔(JosefKajetánTyl)(1808-1852)的译本和历史剧以及主要浪漫主义诗人Karel HynekMácha(1810-1836)的笔记本和戏剧片段的翻译和历史戏剧中的李尔王和亨利四世两部分的使用形成对比,本文将尝试说明莎士比亚在塑造新兴的现代捷克文化的历史意识中的作用。