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The Historian's Judgement and the Peers' Judgement in the “Biographical Chapter on the Proscribed Party” of the Hou Hanshu
Monumenta Serica ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/02549948.2019.1603441
Béatrice L’Haridon

In the array of biographical chapters in the Hou Hanshu, the “Danggu liezhuan” 黨錮列傳 (Biographical Chapter on the Proscribed Party) presents the specificity to be organized not around the destiny of one person, or of a group of persons gathered for thematic reasons, but around a political event, the proscription of a party of reformist literati and officials. The historian’s way of intertwining the biographies of eminent literati who were engaged in the political activity of “understanding men,” that is of judging the qualities of their peers, sheds light not only on the events themselves but also on the importance of the peers’ judgement as a politico-social phenomenon during this specific historical moment. I will inquire the manifold relationships between this type of judgement on contemporary peers, and the historian’s judgement, which is confronted with the catastrophic consequences of this political activity.



《当古列传》党锢列传在《后汉书》的一系列传记篇章中表现出的特殊性,不是围绕一个人的命运,也不是为了主题而聚集的一群人的命运。 ,而是围绕着一个政治事件,取缔了一个改良主义文人和官员的政党。历史学家将那些从事“知人”政治活动的著名文人传记交织在一起,即评判同辈人的品质,不仅揭示了事件本身,也揭示了同辈人的重要性。在这个特定的历史时刻,判断是一种政治社会现象。我将探究这种对当代同行的判断与历史学家的判断之间的多方面关系,