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Techno-rationalities and the motherhood trilogy of Fabrice Hadjadj: beyond the reaches of Kaufmann’s médico-religieux
Modern & Contemporary France ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-23 , DOI: 10.1080/09639489.2020.1752163
Brian Sudlow 1

ABSTRACT Vincent Kaufmann’s Ménage à trois: littérature, médecine, religion (2007) sets up the category of the médico-religieux as a tool to understand the intersection of medicine and religion within French literature. This article aims to contest this paradigm, not only in the spirit of Felski’s hostility to the hermeneutics of suspicion (2015) but also because Kaufmann’s account of the religious is too dependent on a Weberian model of the instrumental-rational and thereby insensitive to patterns of religious self-understanding. To illustrate and deepen this objection to Kaufmann’s notion of the medico-religious, the article offers a reading of three plays by Fabrice Hadjadj, contemporary France’s most prolific Catholic author, especially by using the concept of the theandric encounter (a meeting of the divine and the human) which is sensitive to the possibility of the value-rational in a medico-religious imaginary but does not exclude the instrumental-rational. Massacre des innocents (2006), Pasiphaé (2008) and Jeanne et les posthumains (2014) all evoke in different ways elements of the medico-religious, including the evasion of pain and the instrumental uses of religion. Nevertheless, they also attempt to articulate an axis of the imagination that traverses the purely instrumental through experiences of religion that are epiphanic and transformational.


Fabrice Hadjadj 的技术理性和母性三部曲:超越考夫曼的医学宗教

摘要文森特·考夫曼 (Vincent Kaufmann) 的 Ménage à trois: littérature、médecine、religion (2007) 建立了 médico-religieux 的类别,作为理解法国文学中医学与宗教交叉的工具。本文旨在质疑这种范式,不仅是出于费尔斯基对怀疑的诠释学(2015)的敌意精神,而且还因为考夫曼对宗教的描述过于依赖工具理性的韦伯模型,因此对理性模式不敏感。宗教的自我理解。为了说明和加深这种对考夫曼医学宗教概念的反对,这篇文章提供了对当代法国最多产的天主教作家法布里斯·哈吉吉(Fabrice Hadjadj)的三部戏剧的解读,特别是通过使用theandric相遇(神与人的相遇)的概念,该概念对医学宗教想象中的价值理性的可能性很敏感,但不排除工具理性。无辜者大屠杀 (2006)、Pasiphaé (2008) 和 Jeanne et les posthumains (2014) 都以不同的方式唤起了医学宗教的元素,包括逃避痛苦和宗教的工具性用途。尽管如此,他们也试图通过顿悟和变革的宗教体验来阐明一个穿越纯粹工具的想象轴。Pasiphaé (2008) 和 Jeanne et les posthumains (2014) 都以不同的方式唤起了医学宗教的元素,包括逃避痛苦和宗教的工具性用途。尽管如此,他们也试图通过顿悟和变革的宗教体验来阐明一个穿越纯粹工具的想象轴。Pasiphaé (2008) 和 Jeanne et les posthumains (2014) 都以不同的方式唤起了医学宗教的元素,包括逃避痛苦和宗教的工具性用途。尽管如此,他们也试图通过顿悟和变革的宗教体验来阐明一个穿越纯粹工具的想象轴。