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Midland History ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/0047729x.2019.1675943
Malcolm Dick 1

This special thematic issue of Midland History, is the third which is devoted to a single subject. The first, ‘Ethnic Community Histories in the Midlands’ was published in 2011 (vol. 36, no. 2, autumn 2011) and the second, ‘The Midlands and the Great War, 19141918ʹ, coincided with the 100 anniversary of the outbreak of the conflict (vol. 39, no. 2, autumn 2014). The articles in “Martin Luther and the Reformation in the Midlands”, were originally presented as papers at a conference held in September 2017 at De Montfort University, Leicester. The occasion was the 500 anniversary of the start of the Protestant Reformation in Germany which, in popular legend, dates from 31 October 1517 when Luther, allegedly, nailed his “95 Theses” to the door of All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg. Luther questioned the Catholic Church’s teaching on indulgences, but his criticisms became more than debating points and led to a new religious movement which spread beyond Germany to other parts of Europe and beyond. The origins, nature and effects of the Reformation were complex. Luther, of course, never visited the English Midlands, but the influence of his ideas was considerable throughout Great Britain. Edited by Professor Elizabeth Tingle, this collection of articles explores the evidence for, the experience of and impact of Protestant dissent in the East and West Midlands during the sixteenth century. Most of the contributions are written by new scholars, and Midland History is pleased and privileged to reveal their findings and insights into regional religious, social and cultural history.



米德兰历史的这一专题专刊是第三期,专门针对单一主题。第一篇《中部地区的民族社区历史》于 2011 年出版(第 36 卷,第 2 期,2011 年秋季),第二篇《中部地区和大战,19141918ʹ》,恰逢 100冲突(第 39 卷,第 2 期,2014 年秋季)。“马丁·路德与中部地区的改革”中的文章最初是在 2017 年 9 月在莱斯特德蒙福特大学举行的一次会议上作为论文发表的。这个场合是德国新教改革开始 500 周年,在流行的传说中,该改革始于 1517 年 10 月 31 日,据称,当时路德将他的“95 条论纲”钉在维滕贝格诸圣教堂的门上。路德质疑天主教会关于赎罪券的教导,但他的批评不仅仅是争论点,还导致了一场新的宗教运动,这种运动从德国蔓延到欧洲其他地区甚至更远的地方。宗教改革的起源、性质和影响是复杂的。当然,路德从未访问过英格兰中部,但他的思想对整个英国的影响相当大。这本文章集由 Elizabeth Tingle 教授编辑,探讨了 16 世纪东米德兰兹和西米德兰兹新教异议的证据、经验和影响。大多数贡献是由新学者撰写的,米德兰历史很高兴并荣幸地揭示他们对区域宗教、社会和文化历史的发现和见解。