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The Virgin Mary and the Reformation in the Midlands, 1516-1560
Midland History ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/0047729x.2019.1667104
Stephen Bates 1

ABSTRACT This article examines attitudes to the Virgin Mary and the saints generally, in order to assess Luther’s impact on the Midlands region. It demonstrates that the Mother of God was the subject of controversy long before Luther as a threat to the centrality of Christ in lay devotion and soteriological thought, and as a threat to man, ‘the true image of God’, by refocussing piety away from charity and towards images. It is argued that Luther continues to be blamed for the actions of ordinary parishioners who set out to change the practice of piety in their communities because, armed with a Bible, they knew better than the institutional Church. The study is based on contemporary printed tracts, wills and images such as the alabaster sculptures produced in Nottingham and elsewhere.


圣母玛利亚与中部地区的宗教改革,1516-1560 年

摘要 本文考察了对圣母玛利亚和圣徒的一般态度,以评估路德对中部地区的影响。它表明,天主之母早在路德之前就已成为争议的主题,因为它威胁到基督在平信徒奉献和救世论思想中的中心地位,并通过将虔诚重新聚焦于对“天主的真实形象”的威胁。慈善和对图像。有人争辩说,路德继续因普通教友的行为而受到指责,他们着手改​​变社区中的虔诚做法,因为他们拥有圣经,比机构教会更了解。该研究基于当代印刷的小册子、遗嘱和图像,例如在诺丁汉和其他地方制作的雪花石膏雕塑。