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Visualizing Inequality: The Spatial Politics of Revolution Depicted in Syrian Television Drama
Middle East Critique ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-03 , DOI: 10.1080/19436149.2019.1599539
Nour Halabi 1

Abstract Space has played a central and largely overlooked role in the Syrian conflict during the past eight years. A tension surrounds the organization of urban space and its impact on cultural identity, inequality, and political mobilization. Spatial politics represent a looming threat that is implicit in the project of ISIS, an international terrorist organization that seeks to appropriate the geographical area of al-Sham (Greater Syria) to create a transnational Caliphate. It also appears in the ‘development proposals’ of the Syrian government, which capitalize on a humanitarian crisis to expropriate forcibly displaced citizens of their land and properties.1 This article analyzes how Syrian television drama is not only an important field of cultural expression and a site of contestation but also reveals the many socioeconomic spatial tensions underlying the 2011 Revolution and its aftermath. The latter aspect is demonstrated through a visual and textual analysis of two television serials that depict the ‘ashwa’iyat,2 [arbitrary informal settlements of Damascus]. The first show, al-Intizar (2006), aired before the Syrian conflict. The second, Zawal (2016), aired as the political turmoil in Syria continued to unfold. This comparative analysis illustrates how the organization of urban space has impacted the dynamics of the Syrian Revolution and its aftermath, and how portrayals of urban and shanty town dramas portrayed the spatial inequalities of Damascus before and during the conflict.



在过去的八年中,抽象空间在叙利亚冲突中发挥了核心作用,但在很大程度上被忽视。紧张局势围绕着城市空间的组织及其对文化认同,不平等和政治动员的影响。空间政治代表着迫在眉睫的威胁,这是一个国际恐怖主义组织ISIS的项目所隐含的,该组织寻求使al-Sham(大叙利亚)的地理区域适合创建跨国哈里发。这也出现在叙利亚政府的“发展建议”中,该建议利用人道主义危机没收被迫流离失所的公民的土地和财产。1本文分析了叙利亚电视剧如何不仅是文化表达的重要领域和争夺的场所,而且还揭示了2011年革命及其后果背后的许多社会经济空间紧张状况。通过视觉和文字分析对两个电视连续剧进行了演示,这两个电视连续剧描述了“ ashwa” iyat,2 [大马士革的任意非正式住区]。第一场节目al-Intizar(2006)在叙利亚冲突之前播出。第二部作品《扎瓦尔》(Zawal,2016)播出,原因是叙利亚的政治动荡继续发展。这项比较分析表明,城市空间的组织如何影响叙利亚革命及其后果的动力,以及城市和棚户区戏剧的刻画如何描绘了大马士革在冲突之前和冲突期间的空间不平等。