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Fiat Lux: Functional Analysis of Three Saxo-Norman Pottery Lamps from Berkeley, Gloucestershire
Medieval Archaeology ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00766097.2017.1295911
Paul Blinkhorn 1 , Lucy Cramp 2 , Stuart Prior 3 , Emily Glass 4 , Mark Horton 3

THIS PAPER COMPRISES analysis of three Saxo-Norman pottery lamps recovered during archaeological excavations in 2012 in the Edward Jenner Museum garden, Berkeley, Gloucestershire. While such vessels have been known to archaeologists since the earliest days of Saxon and medieval pottery studies, their specific function, other than general ‘lighting’, has never been considered. Similarly, the composition of the fuel in such lamps has not been scientifically verified. In the following paper, both of these areas are addressed through experimental archaeology and organic residue analysis. The conclusion reached is that the lamps were chosen for use in a late-Saxon industrial workshop as they were ideal for the setting, providing a consistent, stable and bright light source in comparison with other available lighting methods of the period.


Fiat Lux:三个来自格洛斯特郡伯克利的 Saxo-Norman 陶灯的功能分析

本文包括对 2012 年考古发掘期间在格洛斯特郡伯克利的 Edward Jenner 博物馆花园中发现的三盏 Saxo-Norman 陶器灯的分析。虽然从撒克逊人和中世纪陶器研究的早期开始,考古学家就已经知道这种器皿,但除了一般的“照明”之外,它们的特定功能从未被考虑过。同样,此类灯中燃料的成分也未经过科学验证。在下面的论文中,这两个领域都通过实验考古学和有机残留物分析来解决。得出的结论是,这些灯被选择用于撒克逊晚期的工业车间,因为它们非常适合该环境,与当时其他可用的照明方法相比,提供了一致、稳定和明亮的光源。