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I Am Become Wilderness: Toni Morrison’s A Mercy and Global American Space
Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/10436928.2018.1490602
Morten Hansen

As with many historical novels, one of the first questions that Toni Morrison’s novel A Mercy raises concerns the relationship between two historical periods: the time in which the novel takes place and the time in which it was written. A Mercy tells the story of Florens, a young woman born into slavery in the last decades of the seventeenth century, severed from her mother and attempting to forge a life, an identity, and a future in the wilderness in what becomes the United States. The novel was published in 2008, the year the United States elected its first black president and its financial sector threw the globe into a year-long recession. While many readings of the novel (and of Morrison’s work more generally) focus on the connective tissue of history within a national context—specifically the way in which the trauma of America’s history of slavery and racism lingers and persists into our own age—I argue that we must widen our scope beyond the nation state in order to fully appreciate the significance of Morrison’s vision, which amounts to an archaeology of globalization. The early modern period and the early twenty-first century fall on either side of the period of the Westphalian system of state sovereignty, during which the rules governing the distribution of territories across the globe appeared relatively stable. By contrast, in the chaotic early colonial America or in the hyper-connected contemporary globalization, the power of national sovereignty is weaker and consequently the political conception of space becomes more chaotic and fluctuating. My reading focuses on Morrison’s representation of space in order to argue that A Mercy, in addition to everything else that can be said about it, can also be understood as a meditation on aesthetic and political world-making. By this, I do not mean that we must eschew questions of race or gender, but rather that in order to grasp the significance of Morrison’s representations of white supremacy and patriarchy, we must situate them in a larger historical and spatial context than the history of the United States. Motivated by the question of connections between the two historical periods in question, I analyze the missed connections and missing relationship between Florens and her mother in light of Morrison’s own theories of


