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Career Construction in volatile settings: seeking congruence in a journalist’s world today
Life Writing ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14484528.2020.1710794
Michael Lee Humphrey 1 , Lorie Humphrey 2

ABSTRACT In the section of his book Career Counseling on how to compose a life portrait, Savickas (2011) addresses the issue of setting, or the ‘social niche and preferred environment in which the client wishes to situate the self’ (124). Self and setting are integrated through the stories clients tell themselves (scripts), and are drawn from a community’s master narratives. But what happens when a setting becomes unstable within the master narrative because of social and economic pressures? To study this question, we conducted a textual analysis and replicated a day’s search for micro narratives about the authorial career of journalism on Twitter. While multiple themes emerge that reflect the profession in a disrupted state, we also find examples of journalists performing nuanced and complex roles that resist contemporary master narratives. We feature one day’s worth of tweets from one journalist to display narratives of work life that reimagine an authorial career. While the preferred environment may not exist day to day, a job seeker would find journalists who construct the best environments that they can. We suggest that a client’s exploration of setting must become more innovative, and the tools for coping with change more robust, as fields such as journalism face greater uncertainty.



摘要 在他的《职业咨询》一书中关于如何撰写生活肖像的部分中,Savickas (2011) 解决了环境问题,或“客户希望将自我置于其中的社会利基和首选环境”(124)。自我和环境通过客户告诉自己的故事(脚本)进行整合,并取自社区的主要叙述。但是,由于社会和经济压力,当主叙事中的环境变得不稳定时会发生什么?为了研究这个问题,我们进行了文本分析,并在 Twitter 上复制了一天关于新闻作者职业的微观叙事的搜索。虽然出现了多个主题,反映了处于混乱状态的职业,但我们也发现了一些记者扮演抵制当代大师叙事的微妙而复杂的角色的例子。我们以一位记者一天的推文为特色,展示重新构想作家职业的工作生活叙事。虽然首选环境可能不会每天都存在,但求职者会找到能够构建最佳环境的记者。我们建议客户对环境的探索必须更具创新性,应对变化的工具必须更加强大,因为新闻等领域面临更大的不确定性。