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Longitudinal Trajectories of Emotions in Four Dimensions Through Language Advisory Sessions
Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.37237/100106
Ryo Moriya 1

Through advising in language learning, this study describes two Japanese secondary school students’ (Ai and Yu: both pseudonyms) longitudinal trajectories of socioculturally mediated emotions in four dimensions. To investigate types of emotions, the research integrates multiple qualitative methods and Plutchik’s wheel of emotions, thus acknowledging both contextually complex and longitudinally dynamic aspects of emotions. Throughout a year of 19 advisory sessions, the amount of time spent was 1,263 minutes (Ai’s 12 sessions = 891 minutes; Yu’s 7 sessions = 372 minutes), and the number of emotional incidences identified was 358 (201 for Ai; 157 for Yu). Among multiple findings, the most notable was that both participants experienced convergence of emotions: the one process from diversified to less diversified emotions was caused by longitudinal dynamics of emotions in Ai’s case and by contextual complexity of emotions in Yu’s case. The study concludes by suggesting a tentative four-dimensional model of emotions to capture trajectories of advisees’ emotions from multiple perspectives. This model can help advisors to understand advisees’ emotionality and, therefore, to implement emotional support appropriately and continuously.



通过在语言学习中提供建议,本研究从四个维度描述了两名日本中学生(Ai和Yu:均为化名)的社会文化介导情感的纵向轨迹。为了研究情绪的类型,该研究将多种定性方法与Plutchik的情绪轮相结合,从而认识到情绪的情境复杂性和纵向动态性。在全年的19次咨询会议中,花费的时间为1,263分钟(Ai的12节= 891分钟; Yu的7节= 372分钟),识别出的情感事件为358(Ai为201; Yu为157) 。在多项发现中,最值得注意的是两个参与者都经历了情绪交融:从多元化的情绪到多元化程度较低的一个过程是由艾的案例中情感的纵向动态和于的案例中情感的上下文复杂性引起的。该研究的结论是提出了一种初步的情感四维模型,以从多个角度捕捉忠告的情感轨迹。该模型可以帮助顾问了解顾问的情绪,从而适当,持续地实施情绪支持。