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Islamist Violent Extremism: A New Form of Conflict or Business as Usual?
Stability: International Journal of Security and Development ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-28 , DOI: 10.5334/sta.503
Andrew Glazzard , Sasha Jesperson , Thomas Maguire , Emily Winterbotham

Islamist violent extremist (IVE) groups are frequently involved in civil conflicts. Indeed, some groups owe their origins to conflict, and tens of thousands of Islamists have chosen to participate in conflicts taking place in foreign countries in the past 35 years. Increasingly, IVE groups appear to have the capacity to influence the conflicts they are involved in, and are influenced in turn by their experiences. As a result, for those working on conflict resolution and post-conflict reconstruction, the involvement of IVE groups raises questions of whether traditional responses remain adequate. Drawing on three country case studies – Nigeria, Kenya and Iraq/Syria, this article examines the similarities and differences between IVE groups and other conflict actors, and what this means for development, state-building and peacebuilding responses.



伊斯兰暴力极端主义 (IVE) 团体经常卷入国内冲突。事实上,一些团体的起源源于冲突,过去 35 年来,数以万计的伊斯兰主义者选择参与外国发生的冲突。IVE 群体似乎越来越有能力影响他们所卷入的冲突,并反过来受到他们经历的影响。因此,对于那些致力于解决冲突和冲突后重建的人来说,IVE 团体的参与提出了传统反应是否仍然足够的问题。本文利用三个国家案例研究——尼日利亚、肯尼亚和伊拉克/叙利亚,探讨了 IVE 团体与其他冲突参与者之间的异同,以及这对发展、国家建设和和平建设应对措施的意义。