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Jihadi Groups and State-Building: The Case of Boko Haram in Nigeria
Stability: International Journal of Security and Development ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2016-11-30 , DOI: 10.5334/sta.427
Sarah Ladbury , Hamsatu Allamin , Chitra Nagarajan , Paul Francis , Ukoha Ukiwo

The following article considers the extent to which the Nigerian jihadi group, Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati wal-Jihad (JAS), also known as Boko Haram, is transforming its model of governance from domination by violence and force to governance through civil administration and public support. Drawing on over four years of research and programming in north-east Nigeria, the authors consider three aspects of such a transformation: the development of institutions, the propagation of an ideology and programmes to win over the hearts and minds of the wider population, and the role assigned to women and girls. The article finds that JAS has established little in the way of a civilian administration in the areas that have come under its control. Likewise, the movement has apparently made no concerted effort to project a vision of a future society or concrete benefits of the envisaged caliphate that would generate a level of public support. Moreover, the brutal treatment of women and girls belies any attempt by the movement to promote a positive vision of the role of women, even as wives and mothers. In this, JAS is seen to differ from a number of other jihadi movements that have relatively sophisticated approaches to generating popular support and recruiting members. The article goes on to suggest a number of reasons for JAS’s failure to move towards a polity that is more consensual and less dependent on violence, as well as its implications for those who would seek to restrain the expansion and ideological reach of jihadist groups. It concludes by offering suggestions of how the government can seize the opportunity presented by this lack of a state-building strategy, in order to show the people of north-east Nigeria that it can offer a better alternative.



下一篇文章探讨了尼日利亚圣战组织 Jama'atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda'awati wal-Jihad (JAS),也被称为博科圣地,将其治理模式从暴力和武力统治转变为通过民事手段进行治理的程度。行政和公众支持。借鉴在尼日利亚东北部四年多的研究和规划,作者考虑了这种转变的三个方面:机构的发展、意识形态和计划的传播以赢得广大民众的心,以及分配给妇女和女孩的角色。文章发现,JAS 在其控制的地区几乎没有建立文职管理机构。同样地,该运动显然没有做出协调一致的努力来规划未来社会的愿景或设想中的哈里发国的具体利益,以产生一定程度的公众支持。此外,对妇女和女童的残酷对待掩盖了该运动旨在促进对妇女作用的积极愿景的任何尝试,即使是作为妻子和母亲。在这一点上,JAS 被认为与其他一些圣战运动不同,后者采用相对复杂的方法来产生民众支持和招募成员。这篇文章接着提出了 JAS 未能转向更加自愿和更少依赖暴力的政体的一些原因,以及它对那些试图限制圣战组织的扩张和意识形态影响的人的影响。