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‘If you are in government, you can still implement traditional law’ Hybridity and Justice Delivery in Lanao, the Philippines
Stability: International Journal of Security and Development ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.5334/sta.643
Jeroen Adam

This article discusses the emergence of hybrid institutional arrangements in the field of security and justice delivery in the provinces of Lanao del Sur and Lanao del Norte in the Philippines. It will be argued that these hybrid institutions cannot be explained by pointing at a weak or fragile state. Rather, over the past few decades, the Philippine state has demonstrated an exceptional capacity to incorporate a range of informal practices of justice delivery within formal state institutions. In the type of hybridity that is emerging, formal state institutions serve as avenues through which highly flexible practices of justice and security delivery are being performed. As a result, control over justice and security provision has been transferred from traditional authorities to elected politicians. Rather than being a process of legitimate and sustainable state formation, this has reinforced an authoritarian political order under which access to justice and security is unevenly distributed. Based on these observations, this article puts forward some questions about a defining axiom within the current hybrid political order literature that views the interaction of informal and formal types of public authority as a prime avenue to enable post-conflict reconstruction and state formation.



本文讨论了菲律宾南拉瑙省和北拉瑙省在安全和司法执行领域出现的混合制度安排。有人会争辩说,不能通过指出弱或脆弱的状态来解释这些混合机构。相反,在过去的几十年里,菲律宾国家表现出非凡的能力,将一系列非正式的司法实践纳入正式的国家机构。在正在出现的混合类型中,正式的国家机构充当了执行高度灵活的司法和安全交付实践的途径。As a result, control over justice and security provision has been transferred from traditional authorities to elected politicians. 这不是一个合法和可持续的国家形成过程,而是强化了一种威权政治秩序,在这种秩序下,获得正义和安全的机会分布不均。基于这些观察,本文提出了一些关于当前混合政治秩序文献中的定义公理的问题,这些公理将非正式和正式类型的公共权力的相互作用视为实现冲突后重建和国家形成的主要途径。