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‘With or Without You’: The Governance of (Local) Security and the Koglweogo Movement in Burkina Faso
Stability: International Journal of Security and Development ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.5334/sta.716
Sidney Leclercq , Geoffroy Matagne

In late 2014 and after more than two decades of a ‘semi-authoritarian’ regime, a popular insurrection in Burkina Faso led to the fall of Blaise Compaore, president and leader of the ruling party. Due to — or parallel to — the political transition, factors of insecurity developed or were amplified, leading to a reconfiguration of the provision of security at two levels. At the central state level began a reflection around the governance model of security and the improvement of the practices of state security forces. At the local level, non-state security initiatives have multiplied. Drawing on insights from the study of local security provision and providers in the town of Tenkodogo, located in the Boulgou province (Centre-East region), and on its wider integration into the national framework and response to insecurity in Burkina Faso, this article raises and investigates three major questions. First, how is the governance of security (co)produced by (state and non-state) actors in a specific local configuration in Burkina Faso? Second, in what ways does this local experience compare with the state’s response to insecurity and with the nationwide expansion of the Koglweogo movement? Finally, what new perspectives can such reflection at the local and national levels offer to overcome the limits of current approaches regarding local security?


“有或没有你”:布基纳法索的(地方)安全治理和 Koglweogo 运动

2014 年底,经过二十多年的“半独裁”政权,布基纳法索的民众起义导致执政党总统兼领导人布莱斯·孔波雷垮台。由于——或与之平行——政治过渡,不安全因素发展或被放大,导致在两个层面上重新配置安全提供。中央国家层面开始反思安全治理模式和国家安全力量实践的改进。在地方层面,非国家安全举措成倍增加。借鉴对位于布尔古省(中东部地区)的 Tenkodogo 镇当地安全供应和供应商的研究的见解,以及其更广泛地融入国家框架和应对布基纳法索的不安全状况,本文提出并调查了三个主要问题。首先,在布基纳法索的特定地方结构中,(国家和非国家)参与者如何进行安全治理(共同)?其次,这种地方经验与国家对不安全的反应以及 Koglweogo 运动在全国范围内的扩张相比如何?最后,地方和国家层面的这种反思可以提供哪些新视角来克服当前有关地方安全的方法的局限性?与国家对不安全局势的反应以及 Koglweogo 运动在全国范围内的扩张相比,这种地方经验有何不同?最后,地方和国家层面的这种反思可以提供哪些新视角来克服当前有关地方安全的方法的局限性?与国家对不安全局势的反应以及 Koglweogo 运动在全国范围内的扩张相比,这种地方经验有何不同?最后,地方和国家层面的这种反思可以提供哪些新视角来克服当前有关地方安全的方法的局限性?