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Implementing DDR in Settings of Ongoing Conflict: The Organization and Fragmentation of Armed Groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Stability: International Journal of Security and Development Pub Date : 2016-09-27 , DOI: 10.5334/sta.467
Joanne Richards

Although it is common for armed groups to splinter (or “fragment”) during contexts of multi-party civil war, current guidance on Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) does not address the challenges that arise when recalcitrant fighters, unwilling to report to DDR, break ranks and form new armed groups. This Practice Note addresses this issue, drawing lessons from the multi-party context of the DRC and from the experiences of former members of three armed groups: the Rally for Congolese Democracy-Goma (RCD-Goma), the National Congress for the Defense of the People (CNDP), and the DRC national army (FARDC). While the findings indicate that the fragmentation of armed groups may encourage desertion and subsequent participation in DDR, they also show that active armed groups may monitor DDR programs and track those who demobilize. Remobilization may follow, either as active armed groups target ex-combatants for forced re-recruitment or as ex-combatants remobilize in armed groups of their own choice. Given these dynamics, practitioners in settings of partial peace may find it useful to consider non-traditional methods of DDR such as the use of mobile patrols and mobile disarmament units. The temporary relocation of ex-combatants to safe areas free from armed groups, or to protected transitional assistance camps, may also help to minimize remobilization during the reintegration phase.


在持续冲突的环境中实施复员方案:刚果民主共和国 (DRC) 武装团体的组织和分裂

尽管武装团体在多党内战的背景下分裂(或“分裂”)是很常见的,但当前关于解除武装、复员和重返社会 (DDR) 的指导并未解决顽固战斗人员不愿报告时出现的挑战复员方案,打破队伍并组建新的武装团体。本实践说明解决了这个问题,从刚果民主共和国的多党背景和三个武装团体的前成员的经验中汲取了教训:刚果民主集会-戈马 (RCD-戈马)、全国保卫人民大会人民 (CNDP) 和刚果民主共和国国家军队 (FARDC)。虽然调查结果表明武装团体的分散可能会鼓励逃兵和随后参与复员方案,但它们也表明,活跃的武装团体可能会监督复员方案并追踪复员者。随着现役武装团体以前战斗人员为目标进行强制重新招募,或者前战斗人员在他们自己选择的武装团体中重新动员,可能会出现重新动员。鉴于这些动态,部分和平环境中的从业者可能会发现考虑使用非传统复员方案方法(例如使用移动巡逻和移动解除武装部队)很有用。将前战斗人员临时搬迁到没有武装团体的安全地区或受保护的过渡援助营地,也可能有助于在重返社会阶段尽量减少重新动员。部分和平环境中的从业者可能会发现考虑使用非传统复员方案方法(例如使用流动巡逻和流动解除武装部队)很有用。将前战斗人员临时搬迁到没有武装团体的安全地区或受保护的过渡援助营地,也可能有助于在重返社会阶段尽量减少重新动员。部分和平环境中的从业者可能会发现考虑使用非传统复员方案方法(例如使用流动巡逻和流动解除武装部队)很有用。将前战斗人员临时搬迁到没有武装团体的安全地区或受保护的过渡援助营地,也可能有助于在重返社会阶段尽量减少重新动员。