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Rom-com without romonormativity, gays without homonormativity: examining the People Like Us web series
New Review of Film and Television Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/17400309.2019.1664057
Eve Ng 1

ABSTRACT This paper discusses the Singaporean web series People Like Us (Leon Cheo, 2016) as a text with characteristics of a romantic comedy that also challenges many generic conventions. In terms of production and distribution, the web series format enables content that might otherwise encounter funding or censorship challenges. With respect to content, People Like Us has two important distinctions. First, while depicting gay men’s pursuit of romance in often lighthearted ways, People Like Us is not what I term ‘romonormative,’ i.e. it does not privilege monogamous romantic relationships or downplay same-sex eroticism. The series also encodes a distinct Singaporeanness without inscribing homonormative or homonationalist discourses, instead presenting different modes of gay men’s intimacies as comprising a queerly specific Singapore. As such, People Like Us’s production and narrative characteristics exemplify new evolutions for the rom-com genre.



摘要本文讨论了新加坡网络连续剧《像我们一样的人》(Leon Cheo,2016),该文本具有浪漫喜剧的特征,也挑战了许多通用习俗。在制作和发行方面,Web系列格式可启用可能会遇到资金或审查挑战的内容。关于内容,像我们这样的人有两个重要区别。首先,尽管描绘同性恋者通常以轻松的方式描述对浪漫的追求,但像我这样的人并不是我所说的“ romonormative”,即,它不赋予一夫一妻制的浪漫关系或轻描淡写的同性色情。该系列还编码了一种独特的新加坡人性格,而没有刻画同性规范或同民族主义的话语,而是以不同寻常的方式表现出同性恋者的亲密关系,其中包括独特的新加坡。因此,