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Cinematic Arkitecture: Silent Running and the Spaceship Earth metaphor
New Review of Film and Television Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1080/17400309.2020.1790263
Matthew I. Thompson 1

ABSTRACT The film Silent Running (1972) transforms the popular environmental figuration of Spaceship Earth into a science fiction narrative. The film is set on the Valley Forge, a spaceship that contains within biodomes the last of certain Earth ecosystems. By creating a literal equivalent to the metaphor of the earth as spaceship, Silent Running allows for a reading of the trope that exposes contradictions within the environmental politics of the 1960s and 70s. Through an exploration of the relationship between the figure of metaphor and environmentalism, this paper asserts the important role that language serves in the shaping of our relationships with the nonhuman world. A close analysis of examples of Spaceship Earth from photography, discourse, and film reveals the complicated ways in which the trope shapes environmental thinking. In the 1970s the metaphor of Spaceship Earth became synonymous with the images of the earth brought back from space by the Apollo missions. The metaphor and the images combine to emphasize the uniqueness, fragility, and beauty of our planetary environment. When Silent Running takes the figure of Spaceship Earth and re-visualizes it as the Valley Forge, however, the trope’s utopian character is called into question.



摘要电影《寂静的奔跑》(1972年)将流行的地球飞船环境形象化为科幻小说叙事。这部电影是在福奇谷(Valley Forge)上拍摄的,该飞船在生物圈中包含了某些地球生态系统的最后一个。通过创建相当于地球比喻为太空飞船的字面意思,《寂静的奔跑》可以使人们看到这本隐喻,从而揭示了1960年代和70年代环境政治中的矛盾。通过对隐喻人物形象与环境主义之间关系的探索,本文断言了语言在塑造我们与非人类世界的关系中所起的重要作用。通过摄影,话语和电影对太空飞船地球实例的仔细分析,揭示了该望远镜塑造环境思维的复杂方式。1970年代,地球飞船的隐喻成为阿波罗任务从太空带回地球的图像的代名词。隐喻和图像的结合强调了我们星球环境的独特性,脆弱性和美感。但是,当《寂静的奔跑》将宇宙飞船的地球形象重新呈现为福吉谷时,人们就怀疑这支望远镜的乌托邦性。