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Paragons of failure: fallen celebrity and the crisis of social mobility
New Review of Film and Television Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-02 , DOI: 10.1080/17400309.2019.1622884
Moya Luckett 1

ABSTRACT Widely associated with upward mobility, celebrity is typically used to affirm the possibilities for transcendence in economically polarized capitalist societies. Relationships between celebrity and social mobility are less utopian and more complex, with celebrity effectively masking limited opportunities for advancement in a world of automation, austerity, nepotism and globalization. Representing the other side of social mobility, fallen stars-turned-celebrities like Lindsay Lohan and Tori Spelling couch individual failure in neoliberal terms – as personal shortcomings in a world where fame is ostensibly readily available – effectively challenging structural social, economic or institutional critiques of contemporary late capitalist society. Celebrity, in short, plays a sleight of hand: it reassures the public that success is still attainable as it offers a wide range of ordinary, untalented, unsuitable and fallen celebrities. At the same time, it masks the limited prospects for social mobility that make fame – an irrational, precarious and unlikely accomplishment – appear a viable alternative to more mundane forms of employment. We should therefore problematize ideas about celebrity and class mobility, rethinking those ideological narratives that link it to widespread upward mobility.



摘要名人与向上流动性广泛相关,通常被用来确认在经济两极分化的资本主义社会中超越的可能性。名人与社会流动性之间的关系不再像乌托邦,而是更为复杂,而名人有效地掩盖了在自动化,紧缩,裙带关系和全球化世界中前进的有限机会。代表社会流动性的另一面,像林赛·罗韩(Lindsay Lohan)和托里·斯佩林(Tori Spelling)这样的堕落明星变成了名人,他们以新自由主义的方式宣告了个人的失败-这是表面上容易获得名声的世界中的个人缺陷-有效挑战了对社会结构,社会或经济的批评当代晚期资本主义社会。简而言之,名人发挥了作用:它向公众保证,仍然可以取得成功,因为它提供了许多普通的,没有才能的,不合适的和堕落的名人。同时,它掩盖了社会流动的有限前景,这使名望-一种非理性,pre可危和不太可能的成就-似乎是更平凡的就业形式的可行替代方案。因此,我们应该对有关名人和阶级流动性的观念提出质疑,重新思考将其与广泛的向上流动联系在一起的意识形态叙述。