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‘When evil deeds have their permissive pass’: broken windows in William Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure
Law and Humanities ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-03 , DOI: 10.1080/17521483.2017.1371953
Jeffrey R. Wilson 1

ABSTRACT This essay considers some questions of crime, criminal justice and criminology in William Shakespeare’s play Measure for Measure (1604). In this early-modern English play, Shakespeare dramatized issues of criminology and criminal justice that Americans George Kelling and James Wilson theorized nearly four centuries later in their famous essay ‘Broken Windows’ (1982). While this observation allows us to consider the possibility that Shakespeare was doing something like criminology centuries before there was an organized academic discipline called ‘criminology’, a close reading of Measure for Measure also allows us to identify some of the faulty thinking in broken windows policing. Specifically, Shakespeare’s play shows the abuses of power that can occur when individual law enforcement agents receive both a mandate to crack down on social disorder and the authority to decide for themselves what counts as disorder and how to fight it. Thus, while social scientific research and public opinion have recently called broken windows policing into question, this approach to crime control was already discredited by William Shakespeare more than 400 years ago.



摘要本文讨论了莎士比亚戏剧《量度为量度》(Measure for Measure,1604)中有关犯罪,刑事司法和犯罪学的一些问题。在这部近现代的英语剧本中,莎士比亚戏剧化了犯罪学和刑事司法问题,美国人乔治·科林和詹姆斯·威尔逊在将近四个世纪后的著名论文《破碎的窗户》(1982)中将其理论化。尽管这种观察使我们可以考虑莎士比亚在一个有组织的学术学科“犯罪学”出现之前的几个世纪以来就从事犯罪学研究的可能性,但仔细阅读《量度测度》也可以使我们发现破窗监管中的一些错误思想。 。特别,莎士比亚的剧作表明,当个别执法人员既接受打击社会混乱的命令,又有权自行决定什么是混乱以及如何与之作斗争时,就会发生滥用权力的情况。因此,尽管社会科学研究和舆论最近对破窗警政提出了质疑,但这种控制犯罪的方法早在400多年前就已被威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)抹黑。